Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. ITB PW15-119 and award contracts to West Coast Arborists, Inc., of Anaheim, CA, and Great Scott Tree Service, Inc., of Stanton, CA, for providing as-needed tree trimming services, in an aggregate annual amount of $1,488,000, and authorize a 25 percent contingency in the amount of $327,000, for a total aggregate annual amount not to exceed $1,860,000, for a period of three years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into contracts, including any necessary amendments thereto regarding the term and/or scope of services. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into contracts with West Coast Arborists, Inc., and Great Scott Tree Service, Inc., for as-needed tree trimming services. The Public Works Department (Public Works) is responsible for citywide tree trimming and maintenance of the urban forest in the public right-of-way, excluding parks. These contracts will provide for supplemental grid trimming, as-needed, and emergency response tree services.
Currently, Public Works utilizes one vendor to provide both the annual grid trimming schedule and storm response service. Crews are pulled from scheduled work when it is necessary to support unplanned events. For example, the high-wind storms in early February resulted in over a 150 trees citywide being uprooted and knocked over citywide. This event severely strained the Department’s ability to respond, and demonstrated the need for enhanced tree service capacity. With the forecasted El Niño rain and wind, summer periods of excessive heat resulting in limbs falling, ongoing drought weakening and compromising trees, removal of dead/diseased trees, and pruning of young trees to facilitate survivability and proper growth, building service capacity is essential. Accordingly, staff r...
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