Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all necessary documents to receive and expend grant funding from the California Emergency Management Agency for the Gang Reduction, Intervention, and Prevention Program in the amount of $250,000 for two years;
Authorize a required in-kind match of $250,000; and
Increase appropriations in the Community Development Grants Fund (SR 150) in the Department of Development Services (DV) by $250,000. (Districts 1,6,7,9)
The California Gang Reduction, Intervention, and Prevention Program (CalGRIP) is a state grant awarded by the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA). CalGRIP was designed to provide youth, who are identified as being involved in criminal or gang activity or are at-risk of becoming so, with positive alternatives to gang participation in a safe environment. CalGRIP promotes community awareness and education through anti-gang messages and enhances the coordination of existing youth and gang violence prevention efforts to maximize the return on the investment of limited resources.
In 2008, the first CalGRIP grant was awarded to the City and was followed by a second CalGRIP grant awarded in April 2010, both of which have been successfully completed. The third CalGRIP grant began January 1, 2011, and will continue through December 31, 2012.
On March 15, 2012, the Department of Development Services was awarded a fourth round of CalGRIP funding (CalGRIP 4). The fourth grant, in the amount is $250,000, is a two-year grant beginning January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013, and requires a 100 percent in-kind match for a total program budget of $500,000. The 100 percent, in-kind match will be provided by the Pacific Gateway through existing programming such as the Hire-a-Youth Program and Workforce Investment Act’s Youth Career Academies.
CalGRIP 4 will provide at-risk youth with evidence-based programs, which includes counseling services, mentors, case management support, ...
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