Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFQ CM15-066 and award a contract to Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. (PACE), of Fountain Valley, CA, as the most qualified for providing professional engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Aquarium Plaza Wave Fountain, in an amount of $117,840, plus a 25 percent contingency of $29,460, for a total amount not to exceed $147,300, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and authorize City Manager to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments thereto. (District 2)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. (PACE), for providing professional engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Aquarium Plaza Wave Fountain.
The Aquarium Plaza Wave Fountain, located at 100 Aquarium Way on the Rainbow Harbor Esplanade and Aquarium Plaza, was installed during the development of the Queensway Bay and Rainbow Harbor area (Exhibit A). The recreational water feature was intended to enhance the visual and acoustic aesthetics of the public esplanade, and provide for a dramatic display that would mimic the sound of crashing waves.
Due to aging systems and now obsolete components, the fountain system can only safely operate at a minimum level of function. Internal system pressures have caused excessive vibrations resulting in leaks and ruptures when operating at normal or maximum programming levels. PACE will assess the working condition of the fountain and provide a corrective design that improves the system’s functionality and operation. Structural elements, such as the vault enclosure, access ladder, and instrumentation will also be assessed to ensure proper performance of the system and minimize the frequency of future needed repairs. The proposed repairs would allow the fount...
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