Adopt resolution directing the Director of Development Services to submit the Mobility Element to the California Coastal Commission for their certification; and
Accept the Negative Declaration (MND 01-11). (Citywide)
Cities and counties in California are required to prepare and adopt a general plan as a comprehensive guide for long-term development. The general plan projects conditions and needs into the future, as a basis for determining objectives. It also establishes the long-term policy framework for day-to-day decision-making based upon those objectives. A community's general plan must address seven primary topics: land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, noise, and safety. The Mobility Element focuses on the circulation component of the City of Long Beach General Plan (Exhibit A - Mobility Element). Using the Southern California Association of Government's (SCAG) Regional Transportation Plan and growth forecasts, the Mobility Element uses a 20-year time horizon for planning purposes.
On July 18, 2013, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council the approval of the Mobility Element and certified the Negative Declaration. The Mobility Element complies with the relevant code section of State law and the State of California Office of Planning and Research (aPR) General Plan Guidelines. As required, the Mobility Element addresses the circulation of people, goods and resources. The Mobility Element establishes a vision, goals, strategies, policies and implementation measures necessary to achieve a balanced mobility system that serves the needs of all users of the public rights-of-way by recommending complete streets and context-sensitive design principles. The Mobility Element outlines the structure of the City's existing and future multimodal transportation system by mode -- pedestrian, bicycle, transit, motor vehicle -- and also includes information about various transportation-related topics including parking...
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