Recommendation to refer to the Parks and Recreation Commission to revoke the new senior water exercise fee at Martin Luther King, Jr. Pool and Silverado Pool, as well as, all City Pools and report back to City Council.
On August 20, 2015 the Finance and Appeals Subcommittee reviewed and approved the Proposed Fiscal Year 2016 fees and fee changes for parks and recreation programs and facilities. Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine Department fees established by the Parks and Recreation Commission are intended to recover the costs associated with providing the service to individuals and organizations for activities that are consistent with the Department's mission and vision. The fee increase included new senior water exercise fees at Martin Luther King, Jr. Pool and Silverado Pool instead of taking other steps to increase mainstream attendance to off-set the cost like promoting pool use with families and additional programming to increase revenue.
The new fee increase amounted to $2.00 a class or $480.00 a year per individual. The average senior income in the City of Long Beach $26,000 annually which is below the national poverty level. Creating this new fee places an unnecessary burden on our aging population, as well as, creating a barrier to physical activity for our older adults.
As people age, regular exercise becomes increasingly critical to maintain fit and healthy bodies. Beyond helping seniors to feel strong and energetic, a consistent schedule of light exercise has several other positive side. Along with taking regular walks, swimming is an ideal workout for the aging because it's low impact and presents a minimal risk of injury. Swimming is also a complete workout, incorporating the entire body and utilizing all muscles groups. Furthermore, swimming in public pools or with friends and family creates situations for older adults to be social and avoid feelings of isolation or loneliness.
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