Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-7166 and award a contract to Keller North America, Inc., of Irvine, CA, for construction of the Long Beach Municipal Urban Stormwater Treatment Facility Ground Improvements Project, in the amount of $1,260,000, with a 15 percent contingency in the amount of $189,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,449,000; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments. (District 1)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with Keller North America, Inc., to provide construction services for ground improvements for the Long Beach Municipal Urban Stormwater Treatment (LB-MUST) Facility Ground Improvements Project (Project).
The Project will construct a stormwater treatment facility and new wetland habitat area near the Shoemaker Bridge at 901 DeForest Avenue (Attachment A). The goal of the Project is to improve Long Beach’s water quality to benefit aquatic life and recreational beach activities. By capturing and cleaning urban stormwater runoff, the Project will reduce pollution that would otherwise discharge into the Los Angeles River (LAR) and enter Long Beach’s beaches. The recycled water byproduct will help sustain a wetland habitat proposed as part of the Project. These activities ensure compliance with the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
Prior to construction of the LB-MUST facility, the soil at the project site needs to be strengthened to support the future building and equipment. The ground improvement work requires mixing cement grout with the soils beneath the future building foundation area. Separate contracts will be awarded for construction of the LB-MUST facility and associated wetland area. Completion of the LB-MUST facility and wetland area is expected by the end of 2022.
The bid was advertised in the Long Beach Press...
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