Recommendation to concur in the recommendation of the Climate Action and Environmental Committee to direct City Manager to take the following actions:
Request inclusion in the County and/or City of Los Angeles amortization studies or work with consultants to conduct a similar study and report back with the cost of doing so;
Direct a percentage of surplus oil revenues to the abandonment fund and any other costs associated with abandonment, alongside important one-time capital projects;
Direct City staff and the State Legislative Committee request the State to fully fund their portion of the abandonment liability;
Work with South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) to prioritize leakage mitigation and detection, emissions control, and carbon capture measures;
Work with labor organizations in the transition of workers from the local energy sector;
Work with City Attorney and State Lands Commission and other applicable state entities to determine the legal options available to the City to end new drilling as soon as is legally defensible, including studying prohibiting new oil and gas extraction in all zones and, studying changing oil and gas extraction to a legal nonconforming use in all zones; and
Request City Manager report back with timelines and costs associated with the above recommendations as well as potential funding streams for them. (Citywide)
At its April 22, 2022 meeting, the Climate Action and Environmental Committee (CAEC) received a presentation from Long Beach Energy Resources Department on planning efforts for the abandonment of the Wilmington Oil Field. The presentation involved the City of Long Beach’s (City) role with oil field operations and abandonment planning efforts, including related risks and liabilities. The CAEC indicated support for ending drilling as soon as legally possible and requested efforts be taken towards that effort. To that end, the CAEC recommended that the City Council direct...
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