Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including any subsequent amendments, with John Deere Construction Retail Sales, of Moline, IL, for the purchase of a John Deere 332G Skid Steer, with related equipment and accessories, on the same terms and conditions afforded to Sourcewell (formerly the National Joint Powers Alliance), in a total amount not to exceed $146,000, inclusive of taxes and fees. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with John Deere Construction Retail Sales (John Deere) for the purchase of a John Deere 332G Skid Steer, including a hydraulic hammer, backhoe, sweeper broom, and other accessories. This unit is an approved Fiscal Year 2021 enhancement and will be used by the Public Works Department, Traffic Operations Division, for excavation of conduit, installation of traffic signals and streetlight foundations, and removal of construction debris.
The Fleet Services Bureau of the Department of Financial Management researched procurement options for heavy construction equipment and discovered other agencies had completed an open, fair, transparent, and competitive procurement process. The City reviewed the cooperative agreement options and determined that the contract between Sourcewell and John Deere provided the best value to the City. John Deere was selected based on the best value and competitive pricing for the Skid Steer specification submitted by the Public Works Department.
City Charter Section 1802 provides an alternative procurement method by permitting the City to purchase or otherwise obtain services, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor using existing contracts from other governmental agencies. This alternative procurement method can save time and reduce costs through economies of scale by purchasing under existing contracts from other government agencies on a voluntary and selective basis, wh...
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