Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all necessary documents and any amendments to Contract No. 32368 with Southern California Edison Company (SCE) to extend the term and continue the Energy Efficiency Partnership Program. (Citywide)
The Energy Efficiency Partnership Program (Partnership) is a program provided to municipalities by Southern California Edison Company (SCE).
On November 10, 2009, the City Council authorized participation in the Partnership, which provides financial incentives to the City to encourage municipal energy efficiency retrofits, and leverage the City’s community outreach capacity to encourage community-wide energy efficiency retrofits and behavior. The amended Partnership agreement continues the Partnership through 2015, as part of the next program cycle.
The Partnership includes the following components:
§ Municipal energy efficiency retrofit projects: Identify retrofit opportunities, provide technical assistance and incentives to help implement energy efficiency projects.
§ Marketing: Partner with SCE to improve energy efficiency throughout the community through communications or events, identify channels to promote awareness and generate a call-to-action.
§ Outreach: Partner with SCE to support community events by providing energy efficiency informational materials and tips that will help the community save energy, money and the environment.
§ Education and Training: Partner with SCE to conduct workshops and training designed to meet the specific needs of the Partnership city.
As a participant in the Partnership, the City of Long Beach is responsible for establishing an energy-savings goal, conducting energy efficiency projects in City facilities, adopting an Energy Action Plan for immediate and long-term strategies, dedicating necessary resources to perform Partnership activities, and educating the community about energy savings. Since the program start, the City’s estimated energy savings ...
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