Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. PA-02513 and award contracts to Daniels Tire Service, of Santa Fe Springs, CA (not a Local, MBE, WBE or SBE), and Sudduth Tire Co., Inc., of Long Beach, CA (Local and WBE, not a MBE or SBE), for the purchase of vehicle tires, in an annual combined amount not to exceed $470,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into annual contracts with Daniels Tire Service, and Sudduth Tire Co., Inc., for the purchase of vehicle tires to support the Department of Financial Management’s Fleet Services Bureau, as well as the Water and Harbor Department’s tire maintenance program. The tire maintenance program consists of providing new tires and tire-related accessories for small, medium, heavy-duty and specialty vehicles, and safety tires for Police and Fire Department vehicles. This contract will support over 2,100 vehicles Citywide.
The City’s Fleet vehicles require tires that meet the manufacturer’s specifications. The requirements were reevaluated and identified in the bid specifications in order to better meet the equipment needs and seek potential cost savings. The improved specifications allow the City to properly utilize tires and tire-related accessories according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
On December 4, 2012, the City Council awarded a contract for tires to Scher Tire, Inc., a Long Beach-based business. In January 2013, the City was notified that Scher Tire’s main office had closed the business and would not be able to fulfill the contract. Upon this notice, the Purchasing Division immediately began the process of re-bidding for this commodity.
The rebid was advertised in the Press-Telegram on January 24, 2013, and 178 potential bidders specializing in vehicle tires were notified of the bid opportunity. Of those bidders, 14 downloaded the bid via...
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