Recommendation to request a report back in 14 days from City Manager, Financial Management, Energy Resources Departments on the City’s plans to manage CRC's potential bankruptcy filing;
Request report back in 14 days from Financial Management on the unfunded liabilities if the field contractor dissolves and potential impacts to Tideland and Upland funded projects and initiatives;
Request report back in 14 days from Financial Management on oil revenues to the City’s individual funds, revenues, and reserves for the last three fiscal years;
Request report back in 14 days from Financial Management on Inventory public expenditures from oil revenue in the Tidelands zone, such as bluff restoration, lifeguard staffing, Long Beach aquarium, and other such items to generate a listing of items at risk; and
Request report back in 14 days from Energy Resources Department on an inventory of the offshore THUMs oil islands and Tidelands onshore infrastructure and facilities.
California Resources Corporation (NYSE: CRC) is a publicly traded independent oil and natural gas production company that only operates in California. They are the largest oil and natural gas producer in the state based on a gross-operated basis, with a combination of more than 4,000 employees and contractors. CRC produces oil and gas in four geologic basins across the state: San Joaquin, Los Angeles, Ventura and Sacramento. CRC also operates 53 active gas fields regulated by CalGEM and produces about 85% of the natural gas in the Sacramento Region. CRC is the designated field operator for the four (4) THUMS oil islands in the Long Beach Harbor jointly operated with the City of Long Beach on behalf of the State Lands Commission. CRC operates in the state under seven (7) holding companies under the California Resources Production Corporation; California Resources Elk Hills, LLC; California Resources Long Beach, Inc.; Tidelands Oil Production Co.; THUMS Long Beach Co.; Vin...
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