Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all documents with El Camino Community College District in the amount of $200,000 in H-1B Visa funds for Pacific Gateway to deliver employment and training services in the advanced manufacturing sector; and to execute any needed subsequent amendments. (Citywide)
In November 2011, California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) responded to a grant solicitation from the Department of Labor and was subsequently awarded $5,000,000 in H-1B Visa funds to implement training programs that prepare individuals for employment in the advanced manufacturing sector. CMTA is providing these activities through a consortium of partners, including El Camino Community College District (El Camino) as a secondary partner that includes Pacific Gateway.
The training programs integrate basic and soft skills training, and infuse technical training into various modules to prepare workers for success in the skilled manufacturing sector. Through the collaborative partnership, Pacific Gateway will provide services to address non-academic barriers to success, including career counseling needs, assessment of skill levels, and program suitability of trainees in the region.
Additionally, El Camino will contract-in with Pacific Gateway to perform eligibility determination and customer data reporting and tracking. El Camino will cover the staff costs of performing those functions, in an amount totaling $200,000.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Gary J. Anderson on June 12, 2012 and by Budget Management Officer Victoria Bell on June 13, 2012.
City Council action is requested on July 10, 2012, in order to facilitate processing of required documents.
Sufficient funds are currently appropriated in the Community Development Grants Fund (SR 150) in the Human Resources Department (HR). There is no impact to the General Fund. Approval of this recommendation wil...
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