Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all necessary agreements with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to receive $452,212 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds to operate a Brownfields Job Training program; to execute all necessary documents with subcontractors in an amount totaling $228,500; and to execute any needed subsequent amendments. (Citywide)
The Workforce Investment Network (Network) collaborated with a consortium of community partners in response to a solicitation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Brownfields Job Training Grant Solicitation by submitting a proposal for Bioneers Academy Program (Academy).
The Academy will facilitate residents entering and progressing along career pathways in "green collar" jobs on Brownfields sites and/or environmental work involving the cleanup and redevelopment of other contaminated sites. During participation in the Academy, residents will receive an orientation to both entry level and career pathways in demand, industry-recognized skills certifications, job readiness training/placement and other workforce preparation assistance sufficient to obtain and advance through established career pathways in environmental or green jobs.
The Academy will train 100 participants, graduate 70 students, place 53 graduates in environmental jobs, and track graduates for one year after job placement. The training program will consist of four 26-week, 350-hour cycles over two years. Courses will include OSHA 30-hour health and safety certification, HAZWOPER certification, and asbestos, lead, and mold abatement certification. All training will be conducted by qualified providers and will include 60 hours of on-site experience. The Network and its partners will connect with the business community and an extensive network of environmental employers to place graduates with appropriate employers.
Program and community outreach partners include the Network's B...
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