Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute agreements with Long Beach Unified School District for the operation of the After School Education and Safety Program at Burbank, Edison, Garfield, Grant, King, Lafayette, and Lee Elementary and Hudson K-8 school sites; authorize City Manager to execute any future documents, including amendments, necessary to accept, implement, and administer the agreements; and increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund (SR) in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine (PR) by $1,352,745. (Districts 1,2,4,6,7,9)
The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program, funded by the California Department of Education, was established in 2002, as a collaboration program with the intent of creating partnerships between school districts and local government agencies for the purpose of providing after school literacy, academic enrichment and safe constructive alternatives for K-9 students. ASES consists of two program elements: 1) an educational and literacy element that provides tutoring and/or homework assistance designed to help students meet state standards in core academic subjects, and 2) an educational enrichment element designed to provide an array of programs that include visual and performing arts, music, and general recreation activities. These program elements are designed to complement, not duplicate, the 21st Century Long Beach Winners Reaching Amazing Potential after school enrichment program.
The Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) has allocated $1,383,268 of its grant funding to the City of Long Beach, which will be used for program staffing, supervision, and administrative assistance through June 30, 2009. LBUSD will fund the program immediately upon execution of all documents. The attached chart identifies the distribution of funds for each school site (Attachment A).
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Gary J. Anderson on July 29, 2008, and Budget Management Off...
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