Recommendation to receive and file report on the 3D seismic survey to be conducted by Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc., in certain areas of the cities of Long Beach, Signal Hill, and Lakewood. (Citywide)
The exploration of oil and gas involves the evaluation of a variety of types of information. When oil wells are drilled, they provide detailed information at the specific well locations, usually an area less than three feet around the circumference of the well. With the information from existing wells and the
knowledge of the subsurface characteristics from the source of the oil and gas, geologists and engineers can postulate the underground formations between wells and determine where best to drill for additional oil and gas.
Another way to gain information of the subsurface is to run a 3D seismic survey. A 3D seismic survey is a method that allows the creation of images of the subsurface geology by inducing an acoustic wave from near the surface of the
earth and listening for the echoes from deeper parts of the earth (much like ultrasound is used to create pictures of unborn babies in their mother’s wombs). The images from a 3D seismic survey can help geologists and engineers not only
improve the selections of future oil well locations, but also obtain new and valuable information about fault lines.
Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc. (SHPI) has contracted with Dawson Geophysical (Dawson) and Ameridian Technologies (Ameridian) to perform a 3D seismic survey through much of Long Beach, all of Signal Hill and in some parts of Lakewood (a map is attached). This survey will take approximately two months to complete. It will be conducted during daylight hours in residential areas and may also be conducted during the evening in non-residential areas. The survey will be coordinated with the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Marine - Bureau of Special Events and Filming to minimize any congestion impacts near high traffic areas.
The method that will be use...
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