Recommendation to adopt Resolution of Intention to vacate a portion of Edison Avenue in the vicinity of the Pacific Harbor Line rail right-of-way south of Ninth Street, and set the date for a public hearing on the vacation for Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. (District 1)
The Port of Long Beach (POLB) requests that a portion of Edison Avenue between Ninth and Pier B Streets be vacated and closed to public use. This portion runs between Pier B Street and Ninth Street, crossing the three railway tracks operated by the Pacific Harbor Line in an at-grade, unguarded crossing. The area proposed to be vacated is shown on the attached Exhibit A, and the street network in this vicinity is shown on the attached Exhibit B.
Proceedings for this vacation are being conducted in accordance with Chapter 3, General Vacation Procedure, of the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law of the California Streets and Highways Code. Findings must establish that the subject right-of-way is unnecessary for present or prospective public use. The Department of Public Works supports this action based on the following evidence, facts, conditions and findings, establishing that the dedicated right-of-way to be vacated is unnecessary for present or prospective public use.
1. The rail lines bisecting Edison Avenue currently serve nearly 30 trains a day,
expected to increase to 40 trips a day by the year 2015.
2. Over the past 5 years, there have been eleven reported collisions between
trains and vehicles at this unguarded crossing.
3. It is the policy of the California Public Utilities Commission, which regulates
rail/roadway crossing, to reduce the number of these types of crossings to
reduce the hazards to the public. CPUC approval will ultimately be required to
close this at-grade crossing. CPUC staff have supported this decision.
4. The roadway improvements proposed for this section of Edison Avenue
will allow emergency vehi...
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