Recommendation to confirm the appointment of Linda Tatum to the position of Assistant City Manager effective June 20, 2020. (Citywide)
Section 301 of the City Charter provides the authority for the City Manager to appoint an Assistant City Manager with the confirmation of the City Council. I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Linda Tatum as Assistant City Manager effective June 20, 2020.
As you are aware, the Assistant City Manager provides a uniquely important role in supporting both the City Manager and various functions of the City Manager's Office. The Assistant City Manager must also be able to fully perform the duties of the City Manager in the absence or incapacity of the City Manager. In my view, Ms. Tatum is highly qualified to fulfill the duties of the Assistant City Manager. She is currently the Director of Development Services for the City, where she oversees Planning, Building Safety, Code Enforcement, Housing and Neighborhood Services as well as the Long Beach Community Investment Corporation (LBCIC), which provides funding for affordable housing development in the community. Some major accomplishments during her tenure in the Development Services department include:
• Funding of hundreds of new affordable housing units throughout the city, through the LBCIC.
• Unprecedented level of new development in Downtown Long Beach, including mixed use development and thousands of residential units, hotel rooms and commercial spaces.
• City Council approval of the updated Land Use Element and Urban Design Elements which will guide the city's physical development over the next 20 years.
• Planning, entitlement and construction of the new Civic Center and entitlement of the private mid-block development.
• Update to the Historic Preservation ordinance and restart of the City's historic landmark designation and Mills Act contracts.
• Development of new Midtown and Southeast Area Specific Plans.
• Studies and plans fo...
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