Recommendation to direct City Manager to create a low-income spay/neuter program that may include but is not limited to: (1) low co-pay vouchers covering pre- and post-surgical expenses
(i.e., shots/vaccinations required to perform spay/neuter surgery);
(2) developing more public-private partnerships to expand low-income services; (3) an efficient administrative means of determining vouchers eligibility (i.e., based on state or federal assistance programs' qualifications); (4) explore mandatory microchips for licensed pets;
(5) research additional sources of funding including administrative fees to be earmarked for spay/neuter programs; (6) mandatory spay/neuter (at owner/guardian's expense) of all animals that have been captured for biting/attacking; (7) mandatory stray spay/neuter (at the owner/guardian's expense) if an animal is impounded more than certain number of times to be determined by appropriate City staff; and
(8) establishing an Advisory Committee for Domestic Animal Management and Welfare.
Across the United States, cities, counties and states have established targeted spay/neuter programs to great success. These programs prevent unwanted animal pregnancies and reduce the number of animals entering shelters every year, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars and preventing animal euthanasia.
According to the Minnesota State Legislature's 1989 Animal Population Control Study Commission, for every dollar invested in municipally operated spay/neuter clinics, taxpayers will save $18.72 in future animal control costs over a ten-year period.
New Hampshire's low-income spay/neuter veterinary partnership program reduced euthanasia statewide by 75% over six years (1996-2000) and saved $2.2 million dollars statewide in animal control costs during that same period. Huron Valley, Michigan's lowincome spay/neuter program reduced pet overpopulation and euthanasia by half over 10 years. Santa Barbara, California's targeted spay/neuter program r...
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