Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute an agreement with Code for America (CfA) for a period of one year and in total amount not to exceed $180,000 to allow three CfA Fellows to work with City departments on leveraging technology to improve City services.
Code for America <http://www.codeforamerica.org> is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that brings the technology, skills, and leadership of the private sector into the work of local government. CfA has identified Long Beach as a finalist for the 2014 Fellowship Program. To meet CfA deadlines, Long Beach must give the City Manager the authority to move forward with an agreement before potentially being awarded the Fellowship Program opportunity.
The CfA Fellows will work with the City of Long Beach to identify how to engage the community and leverage technology to address solutions to potential issues including, but not limited to:
-Increasing the number of insured residents in the City's territory
-Providing quality services that are responsive and easily available to citizens
-Developing processes and policies that allow for these technologies to be maintained/services to be delivered
During their tenure with the City, they will explore options such as:
-How the City can leverage mobile technology
-How technology can enhance service design and delivery
-Accessing and/or enhancing public data to better provide services to citizens
After conducting their research process, the Fellows will ultimately deliver one core technology that will address one, or possibly multiple of these core issues.
The total fiscal impact for the duration of no more than one year will not exceed $180,000. This funding will come from budgeted funds of one-time revenue in the City Manager's FY 14 infrastructure fund.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,