Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary amendments, with PB Loader Corporation, of Fresno, CA, for the purchase of seven 2020 CNG-fueled Freightliner 114SD dump trucks, on the same terms and conditions afforded in the Sourcewell (formerly The National Joint Powers Alliance) contract, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,627,300, inclusive of taxes and fees. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with PB Loader Corporation for the purchase of seven Freightliner 114SD dump trucks, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,627,300, inclusive of taxes and fees. Three 3-axle dump trucks will replace vehicles in the Energy Resources Department and four 2-axle dump trucks will replace vehicles in the Energy Resources and Public Works Departments. Purchase of these vehicles was approved by the City Manager in the FY 18 and FY 20 Fleet Replacement Plans.
The current vehicles are experiencing increased downtime due to the need for replacement parts, which are increasingly difficult to find. The current vehicles have exceeded their useful life and new vehicles are necessary to ensure the continuity of operations.
The Fleet Services Bureau and the Purchasing Division in the Department of Financial Management researched procurement options for dump trucks, and found that Sourcewell had completed an open, fair, transparent, and competitive procurement process. The City reviewed the Sourcewell cooperative agreement and determined the Sourcewell contract proved to be the best option for this purchase due to their ability to provide the configuration of the dump trucks needed for the Energy Resources and Public Works Departments’ field operations.
City Charter Section 1802 provides an alternative procurement method by permitting the City to purchase or otherwise obtain services, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor with other govern...
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