Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute the Artesia Boulevard Study Implementation Agreement with the Gateway Cities Council of Governments for an amount not to exceed $36,890. (District 9)
Artesia Boulevard is a major arterial that carries a significant amount of traffic, relieving heavy traffic volumes from the SR 91 freeway. Running east-west, Artesia Boulevard traverses the Gateway Cities of Compton, Long Beach, Bellflower, Artesia and Cerritos, as well as unincorporated Los Angeles County. Given the importance of the efficient operation of this arterial for all modes of transportation and its effect on the quality of life for surrounding neighborhoods, these Gateway Cities would like to develop an Artesia Boulevard Complete Street Evaluation and Master Plan. The Plan would encompass Artesia Boulevard from Central Avenue on the west to Valley View Avenue on the east. To prepare the plan, a study will be conducted to evaluate all modes of transportation, including automobiles, trucks, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians that travel along the corridor, as well as aesthetic treatments, resulting in a master plan. The development of a subregional arterial corridor plan would better position the participating jurisdictions to apply for and receive federal, state, and regional funding for improvement of the corridor.
On November 18, 2014, the City Council authorized the City Manager to work with the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (GCCOG) to form a committee and develop a master plan for the Artesia Boulevard corridor (Exhibit A). The result of that outreach is the Artesia Boulevard Study Implementation Agreement (Agreement). While in November 2014, the fiscal impact was uncertain, once the agreement was finalized it was evident that there would be a cost to the participating Gateway Cities. The estimated cost to complete the 12-mile plan is $147,560. This cost is being funded by the participating jurisdictions based on...
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