Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute the Second Amendment to Lease No. 24851 between Bojaro, LLC, a California limited liability company and Gregory R. Gill and Tomilee Tilley Gill, trustees of the Gill Family Trust (collectively, Lessor) and the City of Long Beach (Lessee) for office space at 236 E. Third St., Suites 205 and 230, for the Video Communications Division of the Department of Technology Services for a five-year extended term at the initial monthly base rent of $6,311. (District 2)
On October 22, 1996, the City Council authorized the execution of Lease No. 24851 for a five-year term at 236 E. Third St., Suites 205 and 230 for approximately 4,352 square feet of office space to house the Video Communications Division of the Department of Technology Services. Video Communications manages cable television programming for the City of Long Beach by producing programs for the City government channel.
Additionally, Video Communications relays City information via cable television to Long Beach residents, regulates the local cable communications franchise, assists with cable-related consumer complaints and provides other programming services as requested. On October 16, 2001, the City Council authorized the First Amendment for an extension of the Lease term for an additional five years. Lease No. 24851 terminated February 28, 2007, and the City remains on the leased premises on a holdover status as allowed under the Lease.
In anticipation of the termination of the Lease, a citywide search and review of all other potentially suitable office properties was conducted. Video Communications is currently located in a two-story building on Third Street adjacent to the Promenade and across from CityPlace. The configuration of the leased premises and the open ceilings provide an ideal layout for television studio production given the ample room for equipment and lighting. The facility's location is within walking distance of City Hal...
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