Recommendation to receive and file the monthly Airport activities report. (District 5)
As requested , the following is a report on various activities at the Long Beach Airport.
Airport Passenger, General Aviation (GA) and Cargo Activity - The March 2006 Monthly Airport Activity Report provides monthly and year-to-date statistics for airline passengers (total and enplaned), aircraft operations by user category, and cargo carrier tonnage. Total passenger counts for March were 239,165 compared to last year 255,132 , a decrease of 6.3%. Monthly GA operations compared to last year were up 6% (27,850 operations vs. 27,418). Monthly cargo volumes were down 4.4% (4,840 tons vs. 5 065).
Noise Activity - The March 2006 Monthly Airport Noise Statistics Report includes four separate reports with current month and year-to-date totals. The four reports are as follows:
Noise Complaints - Summarizes noise complaint information for commercial (which includes cargo carriers), GA, and other operations.
Noise Complaint Plot Map - Identifies the origin of the complaint.
Commercial Late Night Activity - Summarizes activity between 10:00 p. m. to 11 :00 p. m. and 11 :00 p. m. to 7:00 a. m. by airline.
Noise Violations - Summarizes violations for airline and GA operations.
Provides a complete listing of each violation , includes violator s name, date and time of violation , aircraft types , aircraft noise level , and the time specific allowable noise level.
The Airport' s Noise Office receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local residents and residents who live outside of Long Beach. In March , the Noise Office received 176 complaints from citizens compared to 239 complaints received in the previous month.
Further analysis of the noise complaints revealed the following:
Total number of complainants: 63
45% (79 of 176) of the complaints were related to operations between 10:00 p.m.
and 7:00 a.m.;
4.5% (8 of 176) of the compl...
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