Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a Nine-Year Operating Agreement between the City of Long Beach and the Long Beach Public Transportation Company (LBT) for public transportation services from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2014. (Citywide)
On July 13, 2004, the City Council adopted a one-year operating agreement with Long Beach Public Transportation Company (LBT) to provide transportation in the City of
Long Beach and surrounding communities. That agreement expired on June 30, 2005, and a nine-year agreement is being brought forward for consideration at this time. Over the years, the City has entered into ten-year agreements with LBT governing the operating relationship between the City and LBT. This operating agreement was last extended for one year in 2004 so that its term would coincide with the term of the
funding agreement between the City and LBT. After careful review, it was determined that two changes should be made to the terms of the existing operating agreement: 1) Shortening the term to nine years to coincide with the three-year funding agreement terms over time; and 2) Clarifying that the
responsibility for administration of this agreement rests with the Director of Public Works as the City Manager's designee. The terms of the existing agreement are proposed to be continued for the contract year beginning July 1,2005 through June 30,2014.
[Timing Considerations]
[Fiscal Impact]
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,
[Respectfully Submitted,]