Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to submit an updated application for the Airport Improvement Program Grant for Fiscal Year 2017 to the Federal Aviation Administration for capital improvements to Runway 7R-25L; and to accept said grant, execute grant documents, and amend grant documents and grant amounts with the Federal Aviation Administration for entitlement and discretionary funds, in the amount not to exceed $15,304,473. (District 5)
The Long Beach Airport (Airport) receives grant funds annually from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) consisting of entitlement and discretionary funds. Entitlement funds are allocated to airports based on the number of enplaned passengers and are calculated by the FAA using a set formula. Discretionary funds are allocated to airports based on need and national priority, as determined by the FAA. Every other year, the Airport submits a grant application for entitlement and discretionary funds from the AIP to pay for major airport infrastructure rehabilitation and improvements.
On December 6, 2016, the City Council authorized the City Manager to submit an application for and accept an AlP Grant in the amount of $12,881,879, to fund the Runway 7R-25L Improvements Project (Project). The Project includes the reconstruction and realignment of Runway 7R-25L. The runway will also be re-designated as Runway 8R-26L. The orientation of runways is tied to the magnetic north pole, which is not stationary and shifts naturally over time. The FAA recommends that airports update their runway markings when the magnetic heading shifts more than three degrees from existing runway designation.
Other Project improvements will include pavement markings, lighting, signage, storm drain systems, grading of infield areas, and construction of two light aircraft run-up areas. Additionally, blast pads, which are paved areas adjacent to each runway end that pro...
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