Recommendation to request City Manager to evaluate traffic and safety recommendations and all other possible options for Loynes Drive within 45 days.
Historically, Loynes Drive in the Third District has presented significant traffic and
safety concerns for not only the residents of our city but also anyone attempting
to navigate this roadway.
It is well known that certain sections of Loynes Drive have been paved over so
many times that there could be as much as six feet of asphalt in some areas.
The changing and shifting elevations of the roadway create additional concerns.
The recent fatality at Loynes Drive once again brings to the forefront the
necessity to thoroughly evaluate the merits of this road as a public thoroughfare.
Some of the options that have been suggested include closing one or two lanes
of traffic on each side of the road, determining whether to partially close the road
to through traffic, possible barricades, and other appropriate measures related to
road safety.
[Timing Considerations]
[Fiscal Impact]
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,
[Respectfully Submitted,]