Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a permit with HappyCross Ministry, dba WishCruise Navy, for the use of the fixed eastern side of the Pine Avenue Pier in Rainbow Harbor, to conduct make-a-wish cruises, maritime and nautical education cruises, juvenile correction program charters, and pirate-themed cruises for a term of ten years, with two, five-year renewal options at the discretion of the City Manager or his designee. (District 2)
Rainbow Harbor contains 12 docks for commercial operations. Since Rainbow Harbor was constructed, the City of Long Beach (City) has managed a diverse and desirable mix of on-water commercial operations, including sports fishing and diving, harbor cruises, whale-watching tours, tallship educational charters, small vessel rentals, and a Mississippi River-style paddle boat used for charters and show tours. The operational mix in Rainbow Harbor has been very successful given the diversity of the vessels and operations.
HappyCross Ministry, dba WishCruise Navy (WishCruise), has approached the City with a proposal that is different from anything currently in Rainbow Harbor. WishCruise is seeking to rent available space on the Pine Avenue Pier (Attachment), and utilize a 65-foot pirate-themed vessel to operate make-a-wish cruises, maritime and nautical education cruises, juvenile correction program charters, and pirate-themed cruises. The proposal has been discussed with the operators in the area, who agree that WishCruise would add an interesting vessel to the diverse mix in Rainbow Harbor, and provide a commercial operation that is complementary to the other operations in Rainbow Harbor.
The proposed non-transferable permit contains the following major provisions:
· Term: Ten Years, commencing October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2023.
· Renewal Options: Two, five-year renewal options at the discretion of the City Manager or his designee.
· Premises: Fixed eastern side of the Pine Aven...
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