Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute an agreement and all necessary documents with Gensler Consulting for professional meeting facilitation services in the amount of $99,100, for the period of October 15, 2006 to June 15, 2007. (District 5)
On May 23, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. RES-06-0050, which expressed the City's commitment to serve as the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) for the closure of the Schroeder Hall U.S. Army Reserve Center, located at 3800 East Willow Street. On May 31, 2006, the Department of Defense officially recognized the City's LRA designation in the Federal Register. In accordance with the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) process, on June 26, 2006 the City published in the Press-Telegram an advertisement soliciting Notices of Interest (NOls) from state and local governments, homeless services providers, and other interested parties. On Wednesday, August 16, 2006, the City organized a "Pre-Proposal Workshop" which allowed interested entities to tour the Schroeder Hall facility.
As the LRA, the City is responsible for developing a reuse plan for Schroeder Hall that balances community needs for economic redevelopment, other development, and homeless assistance. To aid the City in selecting the ultimate reuse plan for Schroeder Hall, the City has assembled a Base Reuse Committee. The City Manager has recommended the following individuals to serve on the advisory committee: Anna Ulaszewski, Mario Cordero, John Thomas, Mark Gray, Herb Levi, Kim Evans, Lou Anne Bynum and Geoff Mcintosh. These individuals represent varied community interests, including education, business, and homeless assistance.
The advisory committee will meet throughout the next few months to: 1) Become oriented with the BRAC process and federal statutory requirements; 2) Develop a series of evaluative criteria and principles in accordance with City needs; and 3) Analyze the NOls received and develop a reuse recom...
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