Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. ITB FS20-076 and award a contract to Los Angeles Truck Centers, LLC, dba Velocity Truck Center, of Whittier, CA, for furnishing and delivering two Autocar Expeditor Roll Off trucks, for a total contract amount not to exceed $578,494, inclusive of taxes and fees; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with Los Angeles Truck Center, LLC, dba Velocity Truck Center, for the purchase of two Autocar Expeditor roll-off trucks, for a total contract amount not to exceed $578,494, inclusive of taxes and fees. These trucks will replace the current units in the Public Service Bureau in the Public Works Department where they are primarily used for removing debris from project sites. Purchase of these vehicles was approved by the City Manager in the FY 19 Fleet Replacement Plan.
The current units are two years past their useful life, experiencing increased downtime, and replacement parts are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. The replacement vehicles will be equipped with Cummins near-zero emission compressed natural gas (CNG)-fueled engines, a rear vision camera, and tarping cover systems.
The bid was advertised in the Long Beach Press-Telegram on October 2, 2020, and 41 potential bidders specializing in heavy duty vehicles were notified of the bid opportunity. Of those bidders, nine downloaded the bid via the City’s electronic bid system. The bid document was made available from the Purchasing Division, located on the 6th floor of City Hall, and the Division’s website at www.longeach.gov/purchasing. A bid announcement was also included in the Purchasing Division’s weekly update of Open Bid Opportunities, which is sent to 35 local, minority-owned, and women-owned business groups. One bid was received on October 22, 2020, and the...
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