Job Order Contract Document R-6669 and award Contract No. 4 to MTM Construction, Inc., and Contract Nos. 5 and 6 to Athena Engineering, Inc., for as-needed construction services. (Citywide)
Timing Considerations
[Timing Considerations]
Fiscal Impact
[Fiscal Impact]
Adopt Job Order Contract Document No. R-6669 for Job Order Contracting (JOC).
Authorize City Manager to execute agreements for a minimum amount of $50,000 and a maximum amount of $1,000,000 with MTM Construction, Inc. for JOC Agreement No. 4, with a weighted average factor of 0.7000, Athena Engineering, Inc. for JOC Agreement No. 5, with a weighted average factor of 0.6890, and Athena Engineering, Inc. for JOC Agreement No. 6, with a weighted average factor of 0.6754.
Authorize City Manager to execute amendments for each JOC agreement for two renewable options of one year and up to $1,000,000 per year.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submited,
[Respectfully Submited,]