Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. ITB TI 22-020 and award a contract to CDCE, Inc., of Yorba Linda, CA, for the purchase of public safety mobile data terminals including accessories and peripherals for docking, warranty, support, and maintenance services, in a total amount of $2,135,000 with a 10 percent contingency in the amount of $213,500, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,348,500, from August 15, 2022 to August 14, 2023; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments; and
Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $2,175,000, offset by funds previously collected from the Police and Fire Departments. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with CDCE, Inc., for the purchase of public safety mobile data computers including accessories and peripherals for docking, warranty, support and maintenance services.
Public safety mobile data computers are used by both the Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) and Fire Department (FD) when responding to calls for service and performing field work. Mobile data computers provide public safety staff with the technology tools and resources that would be found at an in-office personal computer or laptop. Access to mobile data computers allow field personnel to complete reports, access information, and send emails and other communications from a police or fire vehicle.
The current deployed public safety mobile data computers have reached their end-of-life usage and are no longer supported by the manufacturer. Award of this contract will allow for the replacement of over 300 mobile data computers currently used by LBPD and FD with new mobile data computers meeting the specifications provided by LBPD and FD. This purchase includes a five-year warranty for the mobile data computers as well as t...
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