Recommendation to direct City Manager to initiate the development of design guidelines for the California Heights Historic District for immediate implementation and future incorporation into the General Plan.
The 2010 Strategic Plan identified the goal of building a strong network of
healthy neighborhoods, "We will identify our neighborhoods, determine their
assets and weaknesses, and form strategies to meeting community needs by
reallocating resources, forming partnerships, distributing services at the
community level and leveraging technology to make the most of scarce
resources." Over the years, historic districts across the City have paved the path towards stable and vibrant neighborhoods largely through the work of the Cultural Heritage Commission and community volunteers. The CHC and the City's Historic Preservation Officer are responsible for reviewing alterations to properties in historic districts, assessing impacts of development upon historic resources, reviewing applications for new landmark designation and generally assisting the City's efforts to preserve its historic and cultural resources. The City of Long Beach is actively engaged in a General Plan update affecting land use scenarios throughout the City. The California Height Neighborhood Association, and members of the Cultural Heritage Commission have expressed an interest in developing Design Guidelines and permitting requirement to encourage and ensure the success of our historic preservation policies. I believe that the most effective means to develop an appreciation of our historic neighborhood assets is to adopt design guidelines for Historic Districts and to ultimately incorporate the guidelines in the City's General Plan. Suggested Action: Direct the City Manager to initiate the development of design guidelines for the California Heights Historic District for immediate implementation and future incorporation into the General Plan.
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