Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute the Funding Agreement between the County of Los Angeles and the City of Long Beach, for community engagement activities related to the Countywide Parks Needs Assessment; receive and file the project lists from the five Planning Areas and two regional parks in the City of Long Beach; and
Increase appropriations in the General Fund (GF) in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department (PR) by $12,500. (Citywide)
On February 3, 2015, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a plan to produce a Countywide Comprehensive Park and Recreation Needs Assessment (Assessment) to analyze current public parks, open space, and cultural and recreational assets and needs. Participants include all 88 cities in Los Angeles County (County), state and local agencies, and nonprofit organizations based in the County. The goal of the Assessment is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the park and recreation needs and opportunities in the County. The Assessment is on an aggressive timeline, with the final summary report, including a prioritized list of park projects and funding needs from across the County, due in June 2016.
The Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine (PRM) is serving as the lead agency on the Assessment for the City of Long Beach (City), and is responsible for providing data on the condition of park amenities in the City, hosting six community outreach workshops, and bringing a prioritized list of park projects to the City Council for approval.
In August and September 2015, PRM staff performed an inventory of existing conditions of all park amenities in regional parks, community parks, neighborhood parks, and pocket parks. This information, along with park location and acreage information, was provided to the County.
The County required at least one outreach workshop be held in each Planning Area (areas of roughly equal population) for the purpose of gathering comparable inf...
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