Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-6863 for the restoration and improvements of Colorado Lagoon Phase 1, Part 2; award the project to and authorize City Manager to execute a contract with AIS Construction Company for the Base Bid in an estimated amount of $3,623,650, plus a contingency amount of $62,365, if necessary and if funds are available, for a total contract amount of $3,686,015; upon execution of the grant amendment, authorize City Manager to increase the contingency amount by $300,000 to $362,365, for a total contract amount of $3,986,015, and any necessary amendments thereto;
Authorize City Manager to accept a grant enhancement from the State Coastal Conservancy in the amount of $300,000 to allow the removal of contaminated sediment from Colorado Lagoon, and execute all documents necessary to accept the funds and initiate construction; and
Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund (TF 401) in the Department of Public Works (PW) by $300,000, upon execution of a grant amendment. (District 3)
The Colorado Lagoon (Lagoon) is a 28.3-acre tidal lagoon located in the middle of a suburban neighborhood (location map attached). It serves three main functions: 1. hosts sensitive estuarine habitat, 2. provides public recreation (including swimming), and 3. retains and conveys storm flows. A Master Restoration Plan for Colorado Lagoon (Master Plan) has been developed and is being implemented as funding becomes available.
The anticipated construction work at the Lagoon will consist of dredging, treatment and disposal of contaminated sediment. The contamination at Colorado Lagoon resulted from decades of untreated urban runoff. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State Water Resources Control Board mandate removal of contaminated sediment through issuance of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). The Lagoon TMDLs establish targets for water and sediment quality that must be achieved within s...
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