Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all documents with the City of Los Angeles to receive $100,000 in support of strategies for layoff aversion and business outreach; to execute all documents with initiative partners in an amount not to exceed $90,000; and to execute any needed subsequent amendments. (Citywide)
As the Workforce Investment Board’s administering agency, Pacific Gateway administers the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and other employment and training funds awarded annually and throughout the year. In addition to funding training and placement-related services at Pacific Gateway’s career centers, those funds support a myriad of business services that include appropriate response to companies undergoing downsizing and planning for future trends in regional industry sectors.
In 2010, Pacific Gateway funded organizations capable of providing layoff aversion/business retention services or industry cluster forums. Strategies included identifying at-risk businesses before they downsize or close, quickly linking those businesses to economic development assistance and resources to aid in retaining and strengthening the operation, and assembling diverse response teams as necessary.
Through that solicitation, Pacific Gateway funded a collaborative project of the San Pedro, Wilmington, Lomita and Long Beach Chambers of Commerce, and subsequently received partial funding assistance from the City of Los Angeles for that particular project.
Last year, Pacific Gateway received funding from the City of Los Angeles to augment project strategies with those Los Angeles-based Chambers of Commerce through the Harbor WorkSource Center. In May, Pacific Gateway was notified by the City of Los Angeles that it would receive $100,000 in Workforce Investment Act funds to continue existing projects under the following contracts:
Pacific Gateway will use the remaining $10,000 for grant oversight and management activities.
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