Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute an amendment to Contract No. 29996 with Waxie's Enterprises, Inc., dba Waxie Sanitary Supply, to increase the annual contract by an amount not to exceed $100,000 for the purchase of custodial supplies. (Citywide)
City Council approval is being requested to increase Contract No. 29996 with Waxie's Enterprises, Inc., dba Waxie Sanitary Supply, to purchase and deliver custodial supplies to support ongoing custodial maintenance needs at various City facilities and to support "green" and sustainable product usage.
In December 2006, the Department of Financial Management, Purchasing Division, solicited bids through a competitive process for custodial supplies. Waxie Sanitary Supply of Santa Ana, CA (not an MBE, WBE, local or SBE) was the lowest responsible bidder.
On March 20, 2007, City Council authorized a contract with Waxie Sanitary Supply in the estimated annual amount of $375,000 for custodial supplies. The term of the contract was for one year with the option of two one-year renewals and is due for the second renewal on March 31,2009.
Due to the number of departments using this service, the initial approved contract amount has been exhausted. Departments using this contract include Public Works; Parks Recreation & Marine; Health & Human Services; Airport; Gas & Oil; Fire; Police; Technology Services; Water and Harbor. Custodial supplies are essential for the upkeep of both City work areas and public facilities.
In order to support ongoing custodial maintenance needs without interruption, it is requested that the current contract with Waxie Sanitary Supply be increased by an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Based on the increase in spending on janitorial/custodial supplies, the Department of Financial Management, Purchasing Division, determined that it would be in the best interest of the City to choose to not exercise the renewal option on the current contract, which expires March 31...
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