Recommendation to request a report on the possibility of preparing a City-wide survey on the prioritization of City services and citizen/user satisfaction of existing City services. This survey process would be open to all Long Beach residents and employees and would specifically emailed/mailed to citizens who come into contact with the City through any of our City Departments.
The City of Long Beach currently offers a brief survey following a submittal to the Go Long Beach application, however, it is unknown what other survey mechanisms are currently being utilized. As part of this agenda item, staff should prepare a report on what other City departments currently utilize a survey process to gather data that can assist in budget allocation decisions. The report should consider all options including on-line surveys for residents who have pulled building permits or obtained a business license or a survey on our community outreach efforts from residents who provide feedback through "Speak Up" Long Beach.
Additionally, the City (1) should explore a City-wide resource on service prioritization and user satisfaction in advance of the FY 16 budgeting process, and (2) review all of our current user survey mechanisms. The report should also explore the possibility of circulating a yearly survey that gauges citizen feedback on the City's core services. Several cities currently conduct this annual process. The City of Calgary, for example, conducts a yearly survey, giving the citizens of Calgary the opportunity to provide input on the City's performance, their satisfaction with civic services, and overall quality of life. The results of the survey are shared with City departments allowing the City to improve its business and services with citizen involvement.
According to Survey Monkey, an online survey development company, "Political surveys can inform elected leadership about shifts in public opinion on major issues, and can motivate correct actions. W...
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