Recommendation to request City Attorney draft a resolution that extends the existing parking restrictions on the 1900 block of Henderson Avenue, including the listed modifications.
On November 1,2005, the City Council passed a resolution (RES-05-0125) authorizing the City Traffic Engineer to restrict parking on the 1900 block of Henderson Avenue as a means of combating nuisance and drug activity in the area. The original resolution authorized total no parking for the first 30 days and gave the Traffic Engineer authority to extend the parking ban for an additional 90 days upon consultation with the Chief of Police. Based on the first month’s results, it
was recommended that the restrictions be extended. An extension was granted that remaining effect until 2/28/06 was granted.
Over the last three months, the environment on the street has greatly improved. While crime stats are edging upward and some of the problems have appeared to move to the 1800 block, the unobstructed view for the police and proactive efforts to restrict loitering and vehicle stopping have proved effective in improving the environment for area residents.
Requested Action
I am requesting that the City Council request the City Attorney to draft a resolution that extends the existing parking restrictions on the 1900 block of Henderson Avenue, subject to the following modifications to the last resolution:
1. Restriction period to be at least 6 months with possible extension for another 6 months by City Traffic Engineer without further Council authorization if recommended by the Chief of Police and City Prosecutor that such would be in the best interest of public health and safety;
2. Parking, Standing and Stopping restrictions on the I900 block should apply only to the East side of the street, unless and until the City Traffic Engineer later deems such restrictions should include the West side after consulting with the Chief of Police and City Prosecutor that such woul...
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