Recommendation to respectfully request City Council to rescind the previous action taken on April 3, 2007, Item UB-36, Case No. 0701-06 regarding the application of Kelsang Youla and Khangtetsang Kelsang Namgyal, dba El Paisano Ranch Market, for an original Alcoholic Beverage Control License, at 245 West Pacific Coast Highway; and
Request to receive and file an original Alcoholic Beverage Control License for Kelsang Youla and Khangtetsang Kelsang Namgyal, dba El Paisano Ranch Market, at 245 West Pacific Coast Highway, with conditions. (District 6)
I am requesting the entire City Councils' concurrence in a "Motion to Rescind" the previous action taken April 3, 2007, on Item UB-36, regarding the application of Kelsang Youla and Khangtetsang Kelsang Namgyal, dba EI Paisano Ranch Market, for an Original Alcoholic Beverage Control License, at 245 West Pacific Coast Highway.
The original item was voted on while the Sixth District City Council seat was vacant. Upon my inspection of the business, I have found a very clean family owned business, owners that consist of a father, mother, a son, and two sisters. The owners have a reputation of giving back to the community with donations to community organizations such as the Wrigley Association and NAG. Also, attached is a petition signed by 340 of the markets neighbors and customers supporting the application for Original Alcoholic Beverage Control License.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,