Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute contracts and any amendments thereto with Momentum Advanced Solutions, a division of OnX Enterprise Solutions Ltd., in the amount of $112,186 for website design and implementation services; Ektron, in the amount of $81,100 for software and training services; and Hubspot, Inc., in the amount of $19,200 for email and social media delivery services. (Citywide)
On October 4, 2011, the City Council approved an allocation of one-time Fiscal Year 2011 (FY11) Uplands Oil Fund revenue of $150,000 for the Technology Services Department to upgrade the City's web site content management system (CMS). The existing system was implemented in May 2004.
Since October 2011, City staff has conducted a rigorous selection process to identify the best solution available to the City to meet the desired objectives. Prior to issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for a new web CMS, the City performed several forms of outreach to obtain input that could be incorporated in the RFP. For example, staff developed an online survey to obtain public feedback on the City’s web site. The survey was published in December 2011 and repeated in March 2012. The online survey resulted in 139 submissions. Additionally, staff conducted several focus groups with a cross-section of internal web site users and content contributors from various departments. Finally, we consulted with our Citizen Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC) to obtain suggestions on potential improvements to the City’s web site.
In May 2012, the City issued an RFP for a Web Content Management System and Web Design Services, and 710 potential proposers were notified of the proposal opportunity. Of those proposers, 65 downloaded the RFP via the electronic bid system. The RFP document was made available from the Purchasing Division, located on the seventh floor of City Hall, and the Division's website at www.longbeach.gov/purchasing
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