Adopt resolution authorizing the Director of Development Services to submit the Ordinance amendments to the California Coastal Commission for a finding of conformance with the Certified Local Coastal Program (Application 19-008); and
Accept and adopt Negative Declaration ND 09-19 for the Long Beach Building Standards Code Amendments Project. (Citywide)
Every three years, the State of California adopts the latest edition of the California Building Standards Code and Uniform Housing Code (Codes) to establish uniform standards for the construction and maintenance of buildings, electrical systems, plumbing systems, mechanical systems, and fire and life safety systems. The 2019 Edition of the California Building Standards Code was adopted by the California Building Standards Commission and published on July 1, 2019. The 1997 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code was adopted by the California Department of Housing and Community Development and has been in effect since August 22, 1998. State law requires that the Codes become effective at the local level on January 1, 2020.
Prior to the adoption and enforcement of the Codes at the local level, State law permits local jurisdictions to amend the Codes when an express finding and determination is made that such local amendments are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions that affect the jurisdiction. Additionally, local amendments are reasonably necessary, provided it is a more restrictive building standard. Local amendments that are necessary for administrative clarification and do not modify Building Standards, as defined in Section 18909(c) of the California Health and Safety Code, can be enacted without the required express findings and determinations.
Staff from the City of Long Beach (City) Development Services, Fire, Public Works Departments, and the Office of Sustainability, have reviewed the Codes and recommend local amendments to the Long Beach...
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