Recommendation to request City Attorney to prepare ordinance to amend Municipal Code Section 10.22.080 to restrict the parking of vehicles with "For Sale" signs on them along the service roads on Bellflower Boulevard, between Conant Street and Spring Street and on Del Amo Boulevard, between Clark Avenue and Woodruff Avenue.
Additional Subject Information: Amending Municipal Code Section 10.22.080
to restrict the parking of vehicles with "For Sale" signs on the service roads of
Bellflower Boulevard, between Conant Street and Spring Street and Del Amo
Boulevard, between Clark Avenue and Woodruff Avenue.
The Fifth District Council office has received numerous complaints from residents
regarding their concern over the number of vehicles with "For Sale" signs on
them parked along the service roads at the subject locations.
To add to the problem of private parties seeking to sell their personal vehicles in
a residential area, there is one individual who is using the subject area to sell
several vehicles for personal profit. With the increase in vehicles parking with
"For Sale" signs on them, the neighborhood is experiencing unsafe traffic
conditions because motorists interrupt traffic flow when slowing down their car or
stopping to see the vehicles "For Sale", which creates the potential for rear-end
accidents. In addition, they are double-parking in the service road to examine
the car or to get information off the "For Sale" sign. This is particularly a problem
in the area of the service road where St. Cornelius School is located at 3330
Bellflower Blvd The increased traffic has been particularly hazardous to school
children .
[Timing Considerations]
[Fiscal Impact]
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,
[Respectfully Submitted,]