Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all documents necessary to enter into an agreement with LSA Associates (LSA) for regulatory permitting assistance services for the Colorado Lagoon Restoration project, in an amount not to exceed $195,939, including any required amendments to the contract to extend the term and adjust the fee schedule of hourly rates for inflation for any term extensions. (District 3)
The Colorado Lagoon (Lagoon) is a 28.3-acre tidal lagoon located in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. It serves three main functions: 1) hosting sensitive estuarine habitat; 2) providing public recreation (including swimming); and, 3) retaining and conveying storm flows. The Lagoon is used by hundreds of visitors from communities within and surrounding the City of Long Beach (City). However, the water and sediment quality within the Lagoon has degraded over time.
The purpose of the Colorado Lagoon Restoration project is to restore the site's ecosystem, enhance recreational opportunities, and improve water and sediment quality while adequately managing storm water flows.
The City has secured project funding from various local, state, and federal sources totaling $5,608,868. Project funding has been received from:
Staff continues to explore grant opportunities to advance the project. Further Port of Long Beach involvement is also being discussed.
Staff is requesting Council authorization to enter into a professional services contract with LSA to begin the regulatory permitting process. Regulatory permits are necessary before construction work commences and are required to complete the project's engineering design plans. Staff must complete the permitting work before April 2009 in order to meet a strict grant-funding schedule.
Due to their unique qualifications and current involvement with the Lagoon project, staff recommends LSA for the permitting work. By so doing, staff expects to achieve considerable cost and time sa...
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