Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary for an Amended and Restated Lease Agreement No. 34222 with Long Beach Downtown Development Corporation, for the continued occupancy and management of City-owned property generally located at the southeast corner of Pine Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. (District 1)
Effective March 21, 2016, under the City’s Short-Term Occupancy program, the City entered into a six-month lease with the Long Beach Downtown Development Corporation (DDC), which allowed the DDC to develop and manage an 8,240-square-foot space at the southeast corner of Pine Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. The space is located within Victory Park and anchors a vital pedestrian connector between Downtown and the waterfront. An interactive art installation, commissioned by the Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA), called “The Loop,” opened to the public on April 15, 2016. The lease of the space was subsequently renewed by DDC for an additional six months and expired March 20, 2017. Due to the success of the space, and to provide for additional investment into the site, the City and DDC wish to enter into a long-term lease agreement.
Since its opening, The Loop has been embraced by surrounding property owners and residents, and has accomplished several goals identified at the outset of the project, including: creating a new public gathering space for residents, workers, and visitors; serving as a focal point linking the Convention Center and waterfront to destinations north of Ocean Boulevard; and, offering an iconic destination and social media attraction in Downtown. As part of the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement, the DDC has committed to make a significant investment to refurbish the Loop including the replacement of the existing fabric with a new aluminum skin that is more durable to natural elements, less prone to vandalism, and easier and quicker to repair. Additionally, improvements to lighti...
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