Plans and Specifications and award contracts to Sequel Contractors, Inc., and Alliance Streetworks, Inc., respectively for: R-6573, Improvement of Easy Avenue between Spring Street and 34th Street and R-6594, Improvement of 7th Street between Pacific Avenue and Long Beach Boulevard. (Districts 1,7)
The pavement on the subject streets is in need of rehabilitation. The rehabilitation work consists of replacing damaged curbs and gutters, cold milling, resurfacing the pavement, and installing new pavement markings.
City Council adoption of the plans and specifications and award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder are being recommended concurrently to expedite implementation of these projects. The projects were advertised for bid on March 26, 2004 and bids were opened on April 21, 2004. It is recommended that the City Council award construction contracts to Sequel Contractors, Inc., and Alliance Streetworks, Inc.
Information regarding Sequel Contractors, Inc., and Alliance Streetworks, Inc., is provided on the attached "Recommended Contract Awards" sheets.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Donna F. Gwin on April 26, 2004 and Budget Manager Michael Killebrew on April 29, 2004. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Categorical Exemption Numbers CEP-597-02 (R-6573) and CEP-775-02 (R-9594) have been issued for these projects.
Timing Considerations
[Timing Considerations]
Fiscal Impact
[Fiscal Impact]
Adopt Plans and Specifications; and
Authorize City Manager to award contracts to Sequel Contractors, Inc., in an estimated amount of $303,670 (R-6573) and to Alliance Streetworks, Inc., in an estimated amount of $251,532 (R-6594), and execute the contracts and all necessary documents related to the contracts.