Recommendation to request City Manager to create a $5 million Personal Services and Fitness Resiliency Fund from the next federal COVID-19 stimulus fund package. This fund could be increased depending on demand and final federal stimulus bill.
On March 4, 2020, the City of Long Beach (City) declared local health and City emergencies to strengthen the City's preparedness and ability to respond to the COVID- 19 pandemic. This was followed on March 16, 2020 by a "Safer at Home Order" issued by the City's Health Officer to enact protective measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. Since that time, the City's Health Orders have been updated regularly to reflect changes directed by the State of California and County of Los Angeles.
Personal services, barber shops, nail salons and gyms were closed completely beginning in March for three straight months. Then, in June those that could re-open outdoors were permitted to do so while physically distanced. Services such as body art, electrolysis and piercings continued to be prohibited until the end of June. Most personal service providers, fitness studios and independently owned gyms were able to see clients for the remainder of the summer in a limited capacity, but personal services have been closed again by the State's Regional Stay at Home Order, which was triggered when our region's remaining Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed capacity reached 15%.
The financial difficulty these businesses and their employees are facing is challenging and has been a topic of conversation during communications we have had with the next presidential administration. We are asking for federal support and expect the federal government will adopt a second COVID-19 relief package in early 2021, if not earlier.
The these funds will be invested in continuing to support public health, testing and hospitals; but are also an opportunity to assist personal care, barber shops, nail salons, independently owned gyms, fitness studios...
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