Recommendation to approve the Fiscal Year 2020 first departmental and fund budget appropriation adjustments in accordance with existing City Council policy. (Citywide)
On September 3, 2019, the City Council adopted the Appropriations Ordinance governing the City’s Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 20). Periodically, changes in revenue or operating conditions require mid-year appropriation adjustments. For example, in certain cases, these adjustments enable departments to expend recently awarded grant revenue for which there is no existing appropriation. In addition, changes for multi-year grants/projects are necessary to bring appropriations in line with final grant/project award amounts. In accordance with the City’s practice, these adjustments are presented periodically throughout the year to the City Council for consideration. Please see Attachment A for a Summary of Proposed Adjustments of impacted City funds, Attachment B for a recap of FY 20 General Fund Group Expenditure Budget Adjustments, and Attachment C for a summary of appropriation adjustments within relevant departments to implement the City Council-approved amendments to current Terms and Conditions for the Association of Long Beach Employees (ALBE) Skilled and General Basic Unit, Firefighters Association (FFA) MOU, Service Employees International Union, Local 721 (SEIU) MOU and Police Officers Association MOUs.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Amy R. Webber on February 26, 2020.
The following requests for adjustments to FY 20 departmental and fund appropriations are necessary to reflect changes in operating conditions. City Council action is requested on March 17, 2020, to enable the timely processing of budget adjustments.
FY 20 Appropriation Adjustments
City Manager
1. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $50,000 for wayfinding signage and historical plaques throughout the City as a technical correction, offset by funds available.
On September 3, 2019 City Council adopted the FY 20 budget, which included a $250,000 item within the proposed budget in the City Manager Department for wayfinding signage and historical plaques throughout Long Beach. Of this amount, $50,000 was inadvertently left out of the adoption night budget ordinance. A $50,000 appropriation adjustment is requested to correct this error and restore the requested amount from the FY 20 budget.
2. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $10,893 for the FY 20 Veterans Day Celebration, offset by funds available.
On November 9, 2019, the City Manager’s Office of Special Events and Filming organized the annual Veterans Day Celebration (Celebration). Due to this being the first year the City Manager’s Office took over the management of the Celebration, additional funding was needed. A $10,893 appropriation increase in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group, offset by funds available, is requested to cover the remaining cost of the Celebration.
Development Services
3. Increase appropriations in the Community Development Grants Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $14,000, to support the 2019 Neighborhood Leadership Program, offset by sponsorship revenue.
The Neighborhood Leadership Program (NLP) is a nationally recognized program to train residents working to improve their neighborhoods. The Port of Long Beach, Marathon Petroleum, and Laserfiche have awarded $4,000, $9,000 and $1,000, respectively, to the NLP in support of the NLP Class of 2020. These funds will help 30 participants develop grassroots leadership and organizing skills; teach participants how to leverage resources to improve quality of life in their neighborhoods; and help fund four class projects. An increase in appropriations, offset by revenue, is requested for these expenditures.
4. Increase appropriations in the Housing Development Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $750,000, for the purchase of City-owned property, offset by funds available.
On November 13, 2018, the City Council approved the sale of City-owned property at 5571 Orange Avenue (former North Neighborhood Branch of the Long Beach Public Library) to the Long Beach Community Investment Company (LBCIC). The LBCIC is a non-profit of the City, staffed by the Department of Development Services and subject to a board of directors appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The LBCIC budget is a subset within the Housing Development Fund Group. A $750,000 appropriation increase in the Housing Development Fund Group, offset by funds available, is requested for the property purchase price of $729,000 and $21,000 for property maintenance costs.
5. Increase appropriations in the Successor Agency Debt Service Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $237,000, for debt service payments on the Successor Agency debt, offset by Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Funds.
The Successor Agency makes a number of debt service payments annually. The annual bond payments are based on both the calendar year, which is placed on the Successor Agency’s annual Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS), and separately on the City’s fiscal year for the Successor Agency’s portion of the City budget. During the preparation of the FY 20 budget, the calendar year amount was mistakenly budgeted rather than fiscal year amount. As a result, the currently budgeted appropriations are $237,000 less than required. An appropriation increase in the Successor Agency Debt Fund Group is requested to correct the appropriation to reflect the cost for the fiscal year, offset by funding from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund.
Economic Development
6. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $1,000,000 to support development of a Downtown campus for CSULB, through the CSULB Foundation, focused on continuing education and workforce development, offset by additional land sale proceeds received in the General Fund Group in FY 20.
On February 19, 2019, the City Council approved an appropriation increase of $1,000,000, contingent on one-time proceeds from the sale of the Broadway Block site, to support development of a Downtown campus for California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), through the CSULB Foundation, which is focused on continuing education and workforce development. Sufficient proceeds from this sale were received in December 2019; therefore, an appropriation increase is requested, offset by revenue from land sale proceeds.
7. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $110,588, for critical improvements to the Winter Shelter at 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue, offset by additional land sale proceeds received in the General Fund Group in FY 20.
On November 12, 2019, the City Council adopted a resolution redeclaring a shelter crisis and authorizing the use of 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue as the site of the Winter Shelter to increase the number of available emergency shelter beds. Several improvements, including fencing, heating system upgrades, restroom improvements, and ADA improvements were necessary to ensure the site was suitable for Winter Shelter use. These improvements, totaling $110,588, meet a critical need. An appropriation increase totaling $110,588 is requested in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department, offset by additional revenue from land sale proceeds received in the General Fund Group in FY 20.
8. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $800,000, for improvement and acquisition of 5301 Long Beach Boulevard, offset by a combination of land sale proceeds and the release of Successor Agency Sale proceeds.
The property at 5301 Long Beach Boulevard, commonly known as Virginia Village, is home to several local businesses and is in a parking impacted area. Acquisition and improvement of the site addresses parking concerns by adding 20 parking spaces. Costs associated with development of the property is estimated to be $400,000, and the acquisition cost is estimated to be another $400,000, for a total expected cost of $800,000. Sufficient proceeds are anticipated for the improvement and acquisition from a combination of $550,000 in City-owned property sales, including the Broadway Block site, and $250,000 from the 75 percent North Project Area share Successor Agency land sale proceeds. However, if insufficient North Project Area proceeds are received by the City in a timely manner, the City will do internal borrowing from the Citywide Project Area until the proceeds are received. In the case that North Project Area proceeds are not sufficient to payback the borrowing, the Citywide Project Area will be impacted with the remaining balance. An appropriation increase totaling $800,000 is requested in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department, offset by revenue from land sale proceeds.
9. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $183,591 for business development programs, offset by additional land sale proceeds received in the General Fund Group in FY 20.
The Economic Development Department relies on a variety of business development programs that help assess economic conditions and assist businesses and entrepreneurs throughout Long Beach. These programs include economic sponsorships, research consulting and data management, technical assistance programs, and administrative costs for managing revolving loan programs. These efforts generate unbudgeted costs totaling $183,591 and will further economic priorities that are critical to ensuring the Department is able to provide economic data, build key relationships with investors, and assist small businesses. An appropriation increase totaling $183,591 is requested in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department, offset by additional revenue from land sale proceeds received in the General Fund Group in FY 20.
Financial Management
10. Increase appropriations in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $1,094,766 for Fuel Site Replacement projects, offset by funds transferred from the Public Works Department; and,
Decrease appropriations in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $1,094,766, to transfer funds to the Financial Management Department.
The proposed budget adjustment transfers appropriation in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the amount of $1,094,766 for Fuel Site Replacement projects from the Public Works Department to the Fleet Services Bureau in the Financial Management Department. This moves funds to the department responsible for administering and expending funds for fuel site replacements. At one time the Fleet Services Bureau was in the Public Works Department and project funds were budgeted accordingly. Fleet Services has since moved under the Financial Management Department and this item will adjust the budget to match operations.
11. Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Fire Department by $33,508, for Fire Station 1 improvements and the electronic patient care reporting system, offset by fire facility impact fee revenues.
On April 2007, the City Council established the Fire Facilities Impact Fee, which is imposed on new development in Long Beach to mitigate the impact of new development on fire facilities. New development increases the demand for public safety facilities and impact fees help defray the cost for these facilities. Additional appropriations are necessary to fund various projects, including Electronic Patient Care Reporting and improvements to fire stations which occurred in FY 19 and earlier. Projects in this fund are completely offset by revenue from Fire Facilities Impact Fees.
Legislative Department
12. Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Legislative Department by $14,824, to offset the Ninth Council District’s overage in FY 19.
At the end of FY 19, the Ninth Council District exceeded its operating budget by $17,174, which per policy will be offset in the following fiscal year’s operating budget. Of the FY 19 expenditures, $2,350 was assessed as being eligible for Council District One-Time Priority Funds and the Ninth Council District will be requesting the use of One-Time Priority Funds in a separate letter to the City Council. This brings the total overage to $14,824. A budget adjustment is requested to reduce the Ninth Council District’s FY 20 budget by the net overage amount of $14,824.
Parks, Recreation and Marine
13. Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $126,793, for the operation of the After-School Education and Safety Program, offset by grant revenue.
On September 3, 2019, the City Council authorized a grant award in the amount of $1,509,441 from the Long Beach Unified School District for the operation of the After-School Education and Safety Program. The grant award has since been amended and increased by $126,793, for a revised total grant award in the amount of $1,636,234. An appropriation increase of $126,793, offset by grant revenue, is requested to align appropriations to the revised grant award. The grant has a 15 percent match requirement. There is sufficient appropriation for the match increase of $19,019 in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department.
14. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $6,640 for El Dorado Park Tree Trimming, offset by a transfer from the Citywide Activities Department; and,
Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $6,640, as a technical correction.
On February 18, 2020, the City Council approved the use of $6,640 of the Fifth Council District One-time District Priority Funds to support El Dorado Park tree trimming. An appropriation increase in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department was approved. This recommendation provides a technical correction to move appropriation to the correct department where the expenditure will be realized.
15. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $100,000, for donation support for Long Beach Animal Care Services, offset by a transfer from the Citywide Activities Department; and
Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $100,000 to offset a transfer to the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department.
On September 3, 2019, the City Council adopted the FY 2020 budget which included a $100,000 item within the proposed budget in the Citywide Activities Department for donation support for Long Beach Animal Care Services. This budget adjustment will move these funds to the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department, which will manage these efforts.
Public Works
16. Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $14,800, for HVAC repairs at the Technology and Innovation Department’s transmitter facility, offset by a transfer from the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department.
The Technology and Innovation Department’s transmitter facility, located in the City of Signal Hill, requires an HVAC system upgrade. The upgrade includes the replacement and relocation of two compressor units, and the replacement of two air handling units, both of which were over 25 years old and had reached the end of their service life. On December 18, 2018, the City Council approved an appropriation increase of $112,075 for this project. An additional appropriation increase of $14,800 is requested to cover unanticipated costs associated with this project. This appropriation increase will be offset by a transfer from the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department.
17. Decrease appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $100,000 as a technical correction; and,
Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Department by $100,000 as a technical correction.
On September 3, 2019, the City Council adopted the FY 20 Budget, which included $1,514,645 in Measure A funds for the Fire Station 9 Restoration Project. The appropriation ordinance included $1,614,645 for this project, an error of an additional $100,000. This is a technical cleanup to adjust the total appropriation amount for this project to match the City Council adopted budget.
18. Increase appropriations in the Civic Center Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $330,000 for facilities improvements to the Broadway Parking Garage, offset by funds available.
Improvements to the Broadway Parking Garage are needed due to facility deterioration consistent with time, use and conditions. An appropriation increase in the amount of $330,000 is requested to provide funding to upgrade the structure with energy efficient LED lighting and upgrade parking and revenue control systems (entry and exit gates and pay station).
Technology and Innovation
19. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $541,000, for implementation of Motorola public safety radio equipment, offset by funds available.
On September 11, 2018, the City Council approved a contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., for the purchase, delivery, and implementation of public safety radio communications equipment, offset by Measure A funds, and an appropriation increase was made in the General Services Fund in the Technology and Innovation Department in FY 18. By the end of FY 18, no actuals had been expended, but this appropriation amount was inadvertently not carried over into FY 19 as is the practice for one-time carryover appropriation. It is anticipated that the radio installations will be fully expended by the end of FY 20, and an appropriation increase in the General Services Fund Group is requested to add back the appropriation as a technical correction.
20. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $287,290 for technical and functional support and development services for the City's financial reporting systems provided by Cardon Solutions, LLC, offset by funds available.
On September 10, 2019, the City Council approved a contract amendment with Cardon Solutions, LLC, for technical and functional support and development services for the City's financial reporting systems in the amount of $462,911 annually. As stated in the Council Letter, an appropriation increase in the amount of $287,290 is requested for the contract expense, offset by funds available in the General Services Fund Group. The remainder of the funding, in the amount of $175,621, will come from the LB COAST implementation budget and other project budgets in the General Services Fund Group, as appropriate. The ongoing appropriation will be requested through the FY 21 budget development process.
21. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $150,000 for annual licensing of the City’s Simpler Reporting software system and software consulting services provided by Simpler Systems, Inc., offset by funds available.
On July 16, 2019, the City Council approved a contract amendment with Simpler Systems, Inc., for licensing of the City’s Simpler Reporting software system and software consulting services in the amount of $150,000 annually. As stated on that Council Letter, an appropriation increase in the amount of $150,000 is requested for the contract expense, offset by funds available in the General Services Fund Group. The ongoing appropriation will be requested through the FY 21 budget development process.
22. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $290,000, for software licenses, annual maintenance and related services from Oracle America, Inc., offset by funds available.
On July 16, 2019, the City Council approved an amendment to the City’s Master Purchase Agreement with Oracle America, Inc. to purchase additional software licenses, annual maintenance and related services in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 the first year and $650,000 annually thereafter. As stated on that Council Letter, only a portion of the existing contract is budgeted, therefore an appropriation increase in the amount of $290,000 is requested, offset by funds available in the General Services Fund Group. The ongoing appropriation will be requested through the FY 21 budget development process.
23. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $296,695 to continue the replacement of obsolete microwave communications and Motorola comparator systems and the upgrade of exchange servers, offset by funds available.
An appropriation increase in the amount of $296,695 is being requested as a technical clean-up, due to the transition to Munis Financials in April 2019, offset by funds available. This appropriation was previously held in an all-years FAMIS subfund and brought into Munis in an annual fund. By the end of FY 19, not all actuals had been expended, but this appropriation amount was not carried over into FY 19 as is the practice for one-time carryover appropriation. It is anticipated that these appropriations will be fully expended by the end of FY 20. An appropriation increase in the General Services Fund Group is requested to add back the appropriation as a technical correction.
24. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $1,432,520, for Public, Education, and Government (PEG) funds, offset by funds available.
An appropriation increase in the amount of $1,432,520 is requested for the accumulated balance of Public, Education, and Government (PEG) funds, offset by funds available. This appropriation was previously held in an all-years FAMIS subfund and were brought into Munis in an annual fund. It is now requested to be managed in the annual fund within the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Information Department going forward, and an appropriation increase is requested to add back the appropriation as a technical correction.
25. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $2,163,533, for critical technology needs associated with cyber risk-related infrastructure, offset by funds available.
An appropriation increase in the amount of $2,163,533 is requested for the balance of critical technology needs associated with cyber risk-related infrastructure, offset by funds available. This appropriation was previously held in an all-years FAMIS subfund and were brought into Munis in an annual fund. It is now requested to be managed in the annual fund within the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Information Department going forward, and an appropriation increase is requested to add back the appropriation as a technical correction.
Citywide Activities
26. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,257,824 offset by funds set aside for this purpose.
The amount that remained at the end of FY 19 of unallocated Council District Priority Funds totaled $1,257,824. As the unallocated District Priority Funds are budgeted in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department until they are approved for specific allocation by City Council, an appropriation increase is needed to carryover the funds into FY 20. The amounts listed in the table below by Council District reflect balances as of the end of FY 19 and may not reflect the current balances.
27. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $3,000,000, to return a portion of past water and sewer utility fund transfers made to the General Fund, offset by funds available or reserves if necessary.
The City has entered into a legal settlement that requires a $3,000,000 annual payment by the General Fund over four years to refund $12,000,000 in transfers from the water and sewer utilities made in previous years. This is the third payment of four.
ALBE, POA and FFA Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs)
28. Increase appropriations in the relevant departments and fund by $9,131,232, as shown in Attachment C, to implement the City Council-approved amendments to the current Terms and Conditions for the Association of Long Beach Employees (ALBE) Skilled and General Basic Unit, Firefighters Association (FFA) MOU, Service Employees International Union, Local 721 (SEIU) MOU and Police Officers Association MOU. The General Fund Group Cost for the ALBE group is fully offset by funds set aside for this purpose and the remaining costs will be offset from a combination of various funds’ funds available, one-time surplus funds to be generated in FY 20, and/or draw down from reserves.
On September 10, 2019 the City Council approved amendments to the current terms and conditions for the Refuse Basic Bargaining Unit. On September 17, 2019 the City Council approved the 2019-2022 MOU with the Long Beach Police Officers Association. On October 22, 2019, the City Council approved amendments to the current Terms and Conditions for ALBE Skilled and General Basic Unit and approved the 2019-2022 MOU with the FFA. Due to the timing of these City Council approvals, the increased salaries were not incorporated into the FY 20 Adopted budgets of the affected departments and funds. As these are unbudgeted costs to departments, appropriation increases are requested to fund the ongoing labor costs. Attachment C lists the requested department and fund appropriation increases. There is a set-aside for the General Fund Group cost associated with the ALBE group, which will offset that group’s General Fund increase. The total requested net appropriation increase for all funds is $9,131,232 of which $8,207,073 is for the General Fund Group. The net appropriation increases will be funded from the relevant funds’ available fund balances and may increase future interdepartmental and inter-fund charges. The General Fund costs is anticipated to be funded from FY 20 year-end surplus funds, or if that is insufficient, a draw down from operating reserves. The Harbor and Water Departments’ increased costs total $304,213. As both departments have sufficient appropriation for these increases, they are not included in the requested appropriations increases.
Munis Conversion Technical Corrections/Adjustments
On April 15, 2019, the City went live with Phase 1 of the Munis Financials system. The implementation included approximately 100,000 converted lines of the FY 19 Adopted and Adjusted Budget, utilizing the newly developed Chart of Accounts, as well as over 2,800 lines of Projects and Grants budget from the converted Project Ledger data. By design during implementation, some of the FY 18 carryover budget balances were transferred to the Citywide Department to be addressed during the current stabilization period. Other, budget adjustments are necessary to facilitate the new budgeting methodology in the Project Ledger. These are all technical adjustments and additional adjustments are likely to be needed in the future as part of stabilization.
29. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,300,000, as a technical budget adjustment to resolve negative carryover budget balances that were included in the transition to Munis Financials, and were previously held in an all years’ subfund in the FAMIS financial system. This increase is a clean-up item and has no impact to the General Services Fund Group balance.
FY 20 One-Time Funds to be Reappropriated
For projects with start dates between FY 14 and FY 19, the City Council authorized the allocation of one-time funds for specific department projects or operations. The following appropriations are needed to carryover these funds to FY 20 to complete these projects or activities. These unspent one-time funds as identified below were all reserved at the end of FY 19 for this purpose and the reserves will be released with the appropriation. There is no budgetary impact.
30. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $38,380, to support efforts around housing and homelessness, offset by unspent one-time funds.
31. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $156,585, to fund one-time critical needs that may arise and otherwise go unfunded, offset by unspent one-time funds.
32. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund in the City Manager Department by $100,000, to support advertising and media consulting services to promote the city, offset by unspent one-time funds.
33. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $250,000, for wayfinding signs and art on public buildings, offset by unspent one-time funds.
34. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $80,000, for the Neighborhood engagement and Community Communications Plan, offset by unspent one-time funds.
35. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $100,000, for Percent for the Arts nexus study, offset by unspent one-time funds.
36. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $121,458, for security costs for various community events, offset by unspent one-time funds.
37. Increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $200,000, to support corridor activations, offset by unspent one-time funds.
38. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Prosecutor’s Department by $122,708, for the Expungement Fund, offset by unspent one-time funds.
39. Increase appropriations in the Employee Benefits Fund Group in the Civil Service Department by $200,000, for consulting services to evaluate and improve Civil Service testing process, offset by unspent one-time funds.
40. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $19,110, for Phase II of the Electronic Plan Check Project, offset by unspent one-time funds.
41. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $44,500, for Certified Access Specialist training and programs to educate the public about disability access improvements, offset by unspent one-time funds.
42. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $82,425, to assess emergency preparedness readiness and to implement recommendations, offset by unspent one-time funds.
43. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $481,428, for Environmental Impact Reports due to the increasing number of projects requiring environmental review, offset by unspent one-time funds.
44. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $37,000, to cover the costs of special projects implemented through the Office of Civic Innovation, offset by unspent one-time funds.
45. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $80,000, for costs related to the Civic Center, including storage needs and document scanning, offset by unspent one-time funds.
46. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $668,522, for technology improvements for the Development Services Permit Center, offset by unspent one-time funds.
47. Increase appropriations in the Development Services Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $42,000, to cover costs of the General Plan Land Use Element and Urban Design Element update implementation, including consulting services to prepare zoning code amendments, offset by unspent one-time funds.
48. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $3,106, for Neighborhood Partners Program Grant Match Funds, offset by unspent Second District Priority Funds.
49. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Development Services Department by $30,000, for business façade improvements, offset by unspent Sixth District Priority Funds.
50. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $44,000, for the Pacific Avenue Property and Business Improvement District (PBID), offset by unspent Sixth District Priority Funds.
51. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $86,549, for the Anaheim Street Business Corridor improvement, offset by unspent one-time funds.
52. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $150,000, for the Pacific Avenue Business Corridor improvements, offset by unspent one-time funds.
53. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $20,000, for a consultant to assist with Project Labor Agreements, offset by unspent one-time funds.
54. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $125,000, to support the establishment of a Community Development Corporation (CDC), offset by unspent one-time funds.
55. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $449,320, for costs associated with the acquisition of Atlantic Farms according to the Purchase and Sale Agreement, offset by unspent one-time funds.
56. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $400,000, for wage theft education programs, offset by unspent one-time funds.
57. Increase appropriations in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $72,449, for remediation of former underground storage tank site at Fleet, offset by unspent one-time funds.
58. Increase appropriations in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $110,000, to upgrade the security camera system for Fleet and Towing Facilities and the ESB Yard, offset by unspent one-time funds.
59. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $30,000, for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) outreach, testing and mobile center costs, offset by unspent one-time funds.
60. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $48,939, for the Cannabis Public Health and Safety Education Program, offset by unspent one-time funds.
61. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $83,310, for leveraging the STD program grants, offset by unspent one-time funds.
62. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $33,395, for the Language Access Program (LAP) implementation to promote equal access to City services for all residents, offset by unspent one-time funds.
63. Increase appropriations in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $104,469, for repairs to the Main Health Facility, offset by unspent one-time funds.
64. Increase appropriations in the Employee Benefits Fund Group in the Human Resources Department by $99,000, for training and education on LGBTQ and bullying issues, offset by unspent one-time funds.
65. Increase appropriations in the Employee Benefits Fund Group in the Human Resources Department by $93,305, to fund additional employee services through WageWorks, offset by unspent one-time funds.
66. Increase appropriations in the Employee Benefits Fund Group in the Human Resources Department by $135,388, to expand the City's Employee Wellness Program, specifically geared towards first-responders who address critical incidents involving trauma, offset by unspent one-time funds.
67. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Library Services Department by $4,000, for installation of a hearing loop, offset by unspent one-time funds.
68. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Police Department by $13,566, to provide sensitivity training for Police Officers, offset by unspent one-time funds.
69. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Police Department by $100,000, for contracted services for body-worn camera redaction services, offset by unspent one-time funds.
70. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Police Department by $2,000,000, for critical upgrades to the Police Department Records Management System to comply with the Department of Justice's mandate to implement the new national incident‐based crime reporting systems, offset by unspent one-time funds.
71. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $155,970, for the Youth Strategic Plan, offset by unspent one-time funds previously appropriated in the Health and Human Services Department.
72. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $5,000, for Sixth District Summer Concert Park Utilization, offset by unspent Sixth District Priority Funds.
73. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $9,375, for consultants to develop a strategic plan specific to Animal Care Services, offset by unspent one-time funds.
74. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $10,000, for the MacArthur Park Community Garden, offset by unspent Sixth District Priority Funds.
75. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $10,000, to transition to multi-year pet licenses, offset by unspent one-time funds.
76. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $50,000, for Partners of Parks management support, offset by unspent one-time funds.
77. Increase appropriation in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $93,515, for senior programming, offset by unspent one-time funds.
78. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $11,000, for grounds utility cart and a storage unit, offset by unspent one-time funds.
79. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $600,000, for critical water needs in the City parks, offset by unspent one-time funds.
80. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $243,000, for plant maintenance at DeForest Wetlands, offset by unspent one-time funds.
81. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $106,404, for the Beach Sand Renourishment Hydraulic Pump Pilot Program, offset by unspent one-time funds.
82. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $73,735, for a crane to transport the hydraulic pump for the Beach Sand Renourishment Program, offset by unspent one-time funds.
83. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $106,696, for an In-Water Storm Debris Collection System, offset by unspent one-time funds.
84. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $25,295, for the replacement of Marina Green Fences, offset by unspent one-time funds.
85. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $75,313, for paver repairs at Esplanade Walkway, offset by unspent one-time funds.
86. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in Public Works Department by $7,920, for painting of Utility Boxes on sidewalks, offset by unspent Seventh District Priority Funds.
87. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $73,983, for tree trimming, offset by unspent Seventh District Priority Funds.
88. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $96,989, for tree stump removal, offset by unspent one-time funds.
89. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $21,162, for a Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance study, offset by unspent one-time funds.
90. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $100,000, for a GeoDatabase upgrade, offset by unspent one-time funds.
91. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $113,410, for professional consulting services related to the development of Information Technology Strategic Plans with the Police Department, offset by unspent one-time funds.
92. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $341,376, for cyber security risk assessment, offset by unspent one-time funds.
93. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology Services Department by $100,000, to upgrade the ServiceNow platform to improve inventory control processes, offset by unspent one-time funds.
94. Increase appropriation in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $47,155, for LBTV to produce high quality videos for City departments as a communication tool, offset by unspent one-time funds.
95. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $56,701, for the new Department Strategic Plan for park programs and services, offset by unspent one-time funds.
96. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $28,900, for the installation of Flashing Beacons, offset by unspent Fifth District Priority Funding.
97. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $7,600, for the installation of Flashing Beacons, offset by unspent Sixth District Priority Funding.
98. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $9,567, to support the installation of Driver Feedback Signs, offset by unspent Fourth District Priority Funding.
99. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $23,864, to temporarily staff the Opportunity Zones Business Development Program, offset by unspent First District Priority Funding.
100. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $25,000, to support the creation of a community vision for the business corridor on Pine Avenue, offset by unspent First District Priority Funding.
101. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $25,000, for landscaping and irrigation work along Pine Avenue, offset by unspent First District Priority Funding.
102. Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in Technology and Innovation Department by $37,388, to support the development of the Digital Inclusion Roadmap, offset by unspent First District Priority Funding.
Appropriations Using FY 19 Year-End Surplus
The FY 19 Year-End Performance Report identified recommended uses of funds available in the General Fund Group, which included Measure A-related surplus funds and the Uplands Oil Fund Group. The following appropriation requests are funded from the FY 19 year-end surplus as recommended in the FY 19 Year-End Performance Report.
103. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $399,142, to implement the City Council's policy to reserve 5 percent of one-time revenue to fund unfunded liabilities, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
104. Increase appropriations in the Uplands Oil Fund Group in the Energy Resources Department by $11,120, to implement the City Council's policy to reserve 5 percent of one-time revenue to fund unfunded liabilities, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
105. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $475,463, offset by various City Council District Offices’ FY 19 year-end savings as listed below.
Individual City Council District Office budget surpluses are allocated in the following fiscal year to supplement each respective Council Office’s District Priority funding (also known as Divide-by-Nine funding) for infrastructure projects and existing City programs. Budget adjustments are necessary to appropriate the FY 19 Council District office budget surpluses to supplement FY 20 District Priority funding in the Citywide Activities Department.
106. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $118,000, Public Works Department by $127,000, and in the Police Department by $55,000 for a total of $300,000 to support the continuation of the citywide outreach and response model that allows for outreach teams to proactively connect with people experiencing homelessness through the weekends, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available. These funds will support two Outreach workers and a supervisor, one Quality of Life Officer and a Clean Team on Saturdays and Sundays from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm for the remainder of the fiscal year.
107. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $120,000, to support the extension of the City’s winter shelter from March 31, 2020 until the opening of the ABC Project, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available. These funds will support 40 beds, staffing costs, food and shelter operations during this period.
108. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $80,000, to support the payment to the County of Los Angeles for capital improvements at the newly acquired Navigation Center, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
109. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $200,000, to support the work of the Office of Civic Innovation as it addresses homelessness by developing quick response techniques, utilizing data analytics, and program innovation, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
110. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $30,000, to support the Homeward Bound program, designed to help reunite individuals who are experiencing homelessness with family and friends who are willing and able to offer ongoing support to end the cycle of homelessness, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available. Appropriation for the Homeward Bound program will be in the Health and Human Services Department, responsible for execution of the program.
111. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Fire Department by $250,000, for a one-year Fire Diversity Recruitment Pilot Program. Funds will include the support of a Fire Captain, to implement a comprehensive recruitment focused on hiring highly-qualified candidates that represent the City’s diverse population, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
112. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $900,000, to address diseased Magnolia trees throughout the City. Public Works plans to contain and treat the diseased trees with a combination of environmentally friendly products and predatory (beneficial) insects. Each tree will be inspected and evaluated. Any trees deemed untreatable will be removed, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
113. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1.5 million, to transfer funds to the Technology and Innovation Department, and increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $1.5 million to fund additional LBCOAST project costs due to the complexity and sophistication of the City’s ERP needs. Other funds are expected to be contributing an additional $3.0 million based on the General Fund contribution, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available. Any needed appropriation increases for other funds will be brought to City Council in a separate request.
114. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $100,000, for costs related to Council directed initiatives, specifically costs related to the preparation of a Strategic Vision for 2030 plan as directed by the City Council on February 5, 2019.
115. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Clerk Department by $337,850, to support estimated FY 20 costs related to redistricting - the redrawing of district boundaries in accordance with the community vote in favor of Measure DDD, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
116. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $230,000, to support the Tree Trimming program. This will allow the City to trim trees that have not been trimmed in recent years, reduce staff clean-up after adverse weather occurrences and reduce the liability associated with these trees, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
117. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $500,000, for a transfer to the Capital Projects Fund Group; and increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $500,000 to support the Sidewalk Program to address sidewalks and curb ramps that do not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
118. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $225,000 to supplement each respective Council District’s one-time District Priority Funds. Each Council District will receive $25,000, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available.
119. Increase appropriations in the Uplands Oil Fund Group in the Energy Resources Department by $211,272, to transfer to the General Fund to support labor agreement costs in FY 20, offset by FY 19 year-end funds available in the Uplands Oil Fund.
Appropriations Using FY 19 Year-End Tidelands Operations Fund Group Surplus
In the FY 19 Year End Performance Report approved by the City Council on February 11, 2020, it was noted that due to the transition to the new Munis system, the FY 19 year-end Tidelands Operations Fund Group budgetary funds available was not available at that time. While this analysis of the fund is still in process and not fully complete, there is currently a total of $4.5 million of FY 19 year-end funds available in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group that can be appropriated for one-time uses in FY 20. Any additional funds available with additional recommended uses, along with further analysis of overall fund health and status, will be brought to City Council in a future communication. The following appropriation adjustments implement the recommended uses of the Tidelands Operations Fund surplus as proposed in the FY 19 Year-End Budget Performance Report.
120. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $300,000, for design and construction of Beach Stairway Artwork and Historical Markers, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
121. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $1,700,000, for replacement of Electrical Infrastructure and LED Lighting on the Queensway Bay Bridge, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
122. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $300,000, for continued design of the Alamitos Bay Pump System and Related Water Quality Improvements, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
123. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $300,000, for the construction of the Water Playground at Alamitos Beach, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
124. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $200,000, for design and permitting to replace the Junior Lifeguard Facility, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
125. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $150,000, for construction of LED Lighting at 72nd Place, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
126. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $100,000, for CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) improvements along the Cities Waterfront, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
127. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $200,000, for construction of Wayfinding Signage and Circulation Improvements within the Alamitos Bay Parking Lots, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
128. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $600,000, for installation of Security Cameras, Maintenance, and LED Lighting projects at the Convention Center, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
129. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $150,000, to transfer funds to the Economic Development Department, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus; and,
Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Area Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $150,000, for Queen Mary engineering and monitoring work, offset by a transfer from the Tidelands Operations Fund Group.
130. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $100,000, for continued Homeless Response Program services, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus.
131. Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operations Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $457,406, to transfer funds to the Technology and Innovation Department, offset by FY 19 year-end surplus; and,
Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Departments by $457,406, for the LB Coast Program services, offset by a transfer from the Tidelands Operations Fund Group.
Contingent Appropriations Using FY 19 Year-End Measure A Surplus
There was $4,297,438 in unallocated Measure A surplus funds at FY 19 year-end. The following contingent appropriation adjustments implement the recommended uses of the Measure A surplus as proposed and detailed in the FY 19 Year-End Performance Report. These proposed recommendations for the uses of Measure A funds are contingent upon the confirmation by the Measure A Citizens Advisory Committee that the proposed uses are in conformance with the intent of Resolutions No. RES-16-0018 and RES-16-0017 prioritizing spending.
132. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Police Department by $1,797,438 to support the FY 20 Police Academy Class #95, set to begin July 2020. Additional funding is likely needed to fully fund this recruit class offset, by FY 19 year-end Measure A funds available.
133. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Department by $800,000 for a transfer to the Fleet Services Fund Group and the Capital Projects Fund Group; and increase appropriation in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $160,000 and in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $640,000, to support the legally necessary environmental remediation costs for Davenport Park, offset by FY 19 year-end Measure A funds available.
134. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department for a transfer to the Capital Projects Fund; and increase appropriation in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $1.5 million for the funding needed for the El Dorado Field Turf conversion project which was recently approved and recommended to the City Council on November 21, 2019, by the Parks and Recreation Commission and includes construction of a new artificial turf field similar to those recently completed at Admiral Kidd, Seaside and Drake Park, offset by FY 19 year-end Measure A funds available.
135. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department by $100,000, for irrigation pumps (including filtration, circulation, and irrigation) per the direction of the City Council and the Budget Oversight Committee as part of the FY 20 Adopted Budget, offset by FY 19 year-end Measure A funds available.
136. Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $100,000, for tree stump removal per the direction of the City Council and the Budget Oversight Committee as part of the FY 20 Adopted Budget, offset by FY 19 year-end Measure A funds available.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,