Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute all documents with the City of Hawthorne on behalf of the South Bay Workforce Investment Board, for Pacific Gateway to operate a subsidized employment program for approximately $192,000 for families in the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program; and to execute any needed subsequent amendments. (Citywide)
The County's Department of Public Social Services operates a transitional subsidized employment program (TSE Program) for families receiving public assistance through the statewide California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program. CalWORKs provides cash aid, employment services, and other benefits to needy families. The TSE Program has been deployed to provide up to one year of work experience and training to CalWORKs adult residents with limited or no work history, the goal of which is to place them in unsubsidized jobs after training completion.
The Department of Public Social Services has contracted with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (WIB) to serve as TSE Program coordinator and facilitator in Los Angeles County with the CalWORKs single allocation funds. To that end, the South Bay WIB has created the infrastructure for One-Stop Centers such as the Career Transition Center, Torrance Career Center and Harbor WorkSource Center to access a centralized temporary payroll and worksite development mechanism to place local resident trainees.
Pacific Gateway staff will work with existing families in the CalWORKs program with priority given to Los Angeles County referrals of local residents whose sixty-month time limit on public assistance is nearing an end. Staff will provide those trainees with an assessment and review of skills development to-date, create an updated training and development plan, develop worksites and place residents into subsidized work experience, and assist with post-training job placement.
The South Bay WIB will directly pay the costs of the subsidized payroll expenses, benefits, and worker compensation policies, and will reimburse Pacific Gateway for its staffing costs associated with assessment, case management, monitoring, job development, and placement.
Reimbursement has been negotiated through a fee-for-service formula, of which 75 percent will be paid to Pacific Gateway at placement of the resident into training, with the remaining 25 percent performance benchmark earned if the participant achieves a minimum of 30 days in unsubsidized employment after training. Based on initial planning service levels of 120 trainees, Pacific Gateway will generate approximately $144,000 in revenue that will offset staffing and other related costs of the Program. Depending on the final employment levels of the cohort, Pacific Gateway could potentially generate an additional $48,000 in earned payments that could be used for additional services to customers.
This letter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Gary J. Anderson on March 19, 2012 and by Budget Management Officer Victoria Bell on March 20, 2012.
City Council action is requested on April 17, 2012, in order to facilitate processing of required documents.
Sufficient funds are currently budgeted in the Community Development Grants Fund (SR 150) in the Human Resources Department (HR) for Fiscal Year 2012 (FY 12) activities. The remaining amount will be appropriated via the Fiscal Year 2013 (FY 13) budget process. There is no impact to the General Fund. Approval of this recommendation will result in job training, skills enhancement, and employment opportunities for 120 residents.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,