Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement and any subsequent amendments between the City of Long Beach and The Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation to accept funding in the amount of $79,000 for the period from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, to continue and expand childhood obesity prevention health education programming. (Citywide)
The Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation (Miller Foundation) has awarded the City of Long Beach a $79,000 grant through the Department of Health and Human Services (Health Department) to continue to support the Childhood Obesity Prevention and Advocacy (COPA) Program to further enhance its health education programming with an emphasis on activities surrounding childhood obesity prevention. The Miller Foundation has provided funding to the Health Department to develop and implement the Growing a Healthy Family community education program since 2005.
This current grant program will build upon the successful 2009-2010 grant from the Miller Foundation that enabled the Health Department to expand its childhood obesity prevention programming. The programming included a pilot for a healthy corner store project (the Long Beach Neighborhood Store Partnership) in North Long Beach to promote and enhance the availability of healthy food products in a small neighborhood store. The project also included creating the Healthy Eating, Active Living parent group at Starr King Elementary School to promote healthy lifestyles at the school and in the community. It also provided nutrition education to families living in the area of the school and the store.
The new 2010-2011 funding from the Miller Foundation will enable the Health Department to expand the healthy corner store project to a minimum of three more neighborhood stores in the areas around Starr King Elementary School and Jordan High School. In addition, funding will provide training opportunities to Jordan High School students who will assist with the projects, as well as helping to maintain the Starr King parent group. Nutrition education will be provided to the community via outreach at the stores, at the schools, and workshops in the area.
Grant funding will support one existing part-time staff position, program materials, and incentives to facilitate the neighborhood store project and the community's engagement in health education programs.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Linda Trang on August 16, 2010 and by Budget Management Officer Victoria Bell on August 25, 2010.
City Council action on this item is requested on September 14, 2010, in order to continue this program without service interruption.
The total amount of the agreement is $79,000. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Health Fund (SR 130) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HE). There is no City match of funds required, no impact to the General Fund and no net impact to jobs associated with this action.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,