Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a Master Agreement and all related grant project documents with Public Health Foundation Enterprises Inc., dba PHFE Management Solutions, to provide services relating to the identification, application, and fiscal sponsorship of Health Information Technology grants for a period of three years, with an option to extend the Agreement for two additional one-year periods. (Citywide)
The City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is requesting
City Council approval to enter into an agreement with Public Health Foundation Enterprises
(PHFE) to assist in identifying funding to support existing technology projects at the DHHS.
Health information technology is a critical requirement in addressing local public health
issues. Health information technology is an emerging field with numerous initiatives at the
federal and state level designed to improve patient care, eliminate duplication of medical
procedures, and reduce healthcare costs. A critical element of health information
technology is the timely receipt of public health data related to the early detection and
prevention of communicable diseases.
The DHHS is currently working on two health information technology initiatives: the Long
Beach Health information System (HIS) and the Long Beach Network for Health (LBNH).
The HIS will provide a technology solution for our public health clinics, including billing and
patient record management. LBNH is a health information exchange project intended to
improve the quality of patient care across all healthcare provider settings in Long Beach.
Under the proposed Master Agreement, PHFE Management Solutions (PHFE) would, as
necessary, assist in identifying health information technology grants, assist in grant
preparation and application, and serve as fiscal agent or sponsor. The City will retain
ownership of all software and hardware purchased through these grants at the termination
of this agreement.
PHFE, a non-profit organization, was selected as a partner due to its extensive public
health technology expertise. PHFE is currently supporting projects funded by the United
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as several Department of
Homeland Security grants related to bioterrorism preparedness. PHFE has demonstrated
technology capacity and skill sets to develop competitive grants and successfully perform
the grant scopes of work. The grants will be limited to funding supporting health information
system and health information exchange projects.
This matter was reviewed by Senior Deputy City Attorney Donna F. Gwin on November 16,
2005 and Budget Management Officer David Wodynski on December 9,2005.
City Council approval is requested on January I O , 2006 to allow the DHHS and PHFE to
begin identifying and applying for applicable grant projects.
The approval of the master agreement carries no fiscal impact, but will allow PHFE to apply
for technology grants as the City's fiscal sponsor. The grant project documents will specrfy
the scope of work and dollar amount for each individual grant. As fiscal sponsor, PHFE will
retain a percentage of each grant not to exceed eight percent (8 percent) of the total grant
award, which will be paid by the granting agency. The Department will request
appropriations for specific grants in the Health Fund (SR 130) as these are awarded.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,